Hi -
We have an ancient version of Redhat 7.0 running a legacy app.
Last night, the disk max'ed out to 100%. I was able to clear up space ... but a side effect was that the system is no longer able to reboot.
I'm able to do this:
a) go into single user mode (Ctl-X, "linux emergency")
b) run fsck on all partitions (all had shutdown problems; all "fsck'ed" cleanly)
c) mount all the disk partitions (all partitions re-mount cleanly, including the one that reached 100% ... and from which I've successfully deleted several 100 MB)
... but ...
d) "reboot", "init 6" or any similar command hangs:
init: cannot create /etc/initrunlvl
e) rdev shows "/dev/hda7 /", and I tried this:
"Rdev -R .. 0" didn't give any errors ... but it didn't fix the problem, either. I still get the same errors: "shutdown" hangs (because of the read-only root filesystem), and normal reboot (to init 3) fails.
f) I don't have the original Redhat 7.0 CD
g) I'm not able to make a boot floppy (because /dev/fd0 happens to be on a read-only filesystem)
1. Does anybody have any suggestions for how I can get this RedHat system booted again?
2. Does anybody know what happened to "http://www.linuxiso.org": it appears to be down
3. Does anybody know where else I could find a bootable .iso for Redhat 7.0?
Thank you *very* much in advance .. PSM