Is there anyway to find out the basics that RH9 used when I installed the distro so that I can xconfig my new kernel to have the modules and drivers configured in the kernel the way they are now with the 2.4 kernel.
You see I downloaded and compiled a fresh doing the xconfig as best I knew how based on cpuinfo and lspci but I couldn't get the pcmcia and onboard NIC, soundcard, etc etc to work.
In fact I had a bit of a hack just getting the initrd to work - but finally did - my old menu.lst only specified:
ro root=LABEL/ (or similar - don't have it infront of me now)
and the new kernel required
ro root= /dev/hda5 (which is the root but I don't see the diff from the previous distro kernel...)
So it boots but none of the basic config of drivers and devices is quite right. X works, the mouse works, in fact most stuff is ok just don't know where to begin.
I did get some messages when compiling my modules so I guess I have some dependencies stuffed up here.
Please any kind, patient pro able to make any suggestions.
