A few days ago i was really board and didnt have any thing to do, so i was looking around on google for how to make a update CD for redhat 9. I found a HOWTO on rebuilding RedHat enterprise linux form the source. I dont really need it, because on my server i've got whitebox enterprise linux, but i got interested and decided to make my own.
I downloaded all the update SRPMS and the normal SRPMS from a mirror of the redhat ftp.
I started building the SRPS but then my baby bro. when to my server and switched it off

(now i put tape on top of the switch so he can't hehehe)
I was about to start building it again but then I started to lookthrough the files and saw that there are some SRPMS that have diffrences because they are desigend for diffrend types of rhel (WS, AS, ES). So i got abit more interested and decided to make AS and WS.
But i dont know which of the SRPMS WS has And Which of them AS has.
So i was wondering if any one knows when i can get a list of the RPMS in both?
Thanks in advanced