Planning to change root pass and oracle system pass
We have Linux AS 3.0 as an OS in that Oracle 9i as a database server.
Now we are planning to change the linux's root password,linux's oracle user password,oracle 9i's system password.
my questions are....
1. if i change the root password for linux, will it affects oracle 9i in any way? and vice-versa
2. if i change the system password in oracle 9i what are all the precautions i have to take?
3. for changing the root password.
login to linux as a root
4. for changing the oracle's system password.
sql>alter user username identified by newpass
5. I am having 3 shell script for online backup, inthat script im using the oracle's system password, that also i will modify to the new one.
What else i have to do?
waiting for your suggestions.....
Thanks & Regards