named daemon variable ${ROOTDIR} in init.d does not allow zones to be read
I had a bind 9 on Redhat problem, I think I fixed it. I need to know if the following problem and resulting solution a sound one.
Here goes...
I setup a bind server today with Redhat and installed bind. I then installed webmin to do my administration. I created my master server, zones and hosts within webmin without a problem. I then setup via the chkconfig the named service to start. But each time I would start the service I could not resolve and host names. A line command of ps -aux | grep named would show named running but I still could not resolve any names.
Long story short I began looking at the /var/log/messages file after I started the named service and noticed that when I ran the named service manually it was ok. The manual command being...
/user/sbin/named -u named
However the init.d was running the a different command string for the same service and it looked like this in the /var/log/sysconfig/messages file.
/user/sbin/named -u named -t /var/named/chroot
So whats the -t and the rootdir stuff about? I looked into the /etc/init.d/name file and discovered some options the init named script was adding. The syntax was OPTIONS="${OPTIONS} -t ${ROOTDIR}"
The options are derived from settings in /etc/sysconfig/named file.
Not knowing what else to do I changed the string to read...
I then restarted my named service and it works.
As a side note the "Start Bind Server" button under the Bind Server section of webmin changed to say "Apply Changes" within the webmin gui as soon as I went back into it. Before it was "Start Bind Server" no matter if I made changes or not. Then if I pressed "Start Bind Server" it would complain, "server already running", well da.
Anyway, Let me know what you think, Conceptually sound or Conceptually screwy?