My box freezes during start-up while "starting system logger"
Hello guys,
I'm having a problem booting my Red Hat 9 server. Well, the whole start-up is nothing but errors after errors, but I'd concentrate on the one that seems to make the booting impossible.
After bringing up interface eth1 (which fails, but that's normal 'cause there's no cable in the hole) the machine says "Starting system logger:". That's where it stops. I'd like to stress that it doens't give me any errors after that, it literally gives me nothing at all, no matter how long I wait for it.
And, to give you gurus all information I can about this problem here, I can tell that the machine gives an error and fails many of the start-up jobs it tries to perform. The error (or was it warning, don't remember..) message is always something like: "Error while trying to write to /var/lock/subsys/[*changes*]: Kirjoitussuojattu tiedostojärjestelmä (freely translated: write-protected filesystem)"
I'll greatly appreciate any help! Lots of thanks in advance!