under ideal cirumstances you download the tar.gz file, decompress it somewhere
in your home dir, cd into it and type (as user) ./configure
under ideal circumstances this runs through the config script and comes back with
no error messages,
you then type make (still as user)
when it's made
you su to root and type makeinstall
there are minor differences between different distros and sometimes the configure file has to be either edited to show the true location of required libraries
you pass options to the ./configure command on the command line
the only one i know is ./configure PREFIX=/usr/local
this replaces an already installed app with the new version (mozilla for example)
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re library versions
if you download one for redhat 9
this is the link for the redhat9 version of libdvdcss
when you go to install this, either by double/single clicking on it, or by typing rpm -ivh xxx.rpm
one of two things will happen,
either the rpm will install ok
you'll get an error message which will say: wrong version of file, or other files needed.
these error message should tell you what numbers to look for
these numbers are a bit much at first, but you'll soon get used to them