First of all, tou have to install the web server daemon. So you have to install "Apache". Look for it in your Red Hat Distribution CDs. Once you have installed it, you must think which features you want to improve in your web page. Because depending on this, you must additionally install another packages as:
mysql-server: In case you need connections to database
mysql-client: The same
php-script: If you are going to use this language for building your page.
After that, you must configure the options in the httpd.conf file to configure Apache (the web server), allowing to execute cgi-scripts.
If you are building your page in PHP, you have to configure some options in the php.ini (located in the /etc directory). Then go to
/etc/rc.d/init.d and start the daemon (./httpd start). Then you can test it opening your browser and going to
If you need to create database, then you have to install mysql, and I recommend you to install phpMyAdmin to manage the database. If you need this, I shall help you later.
Be lucky