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Old 01-13-2005, 05:31 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2003
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dual boot WinXp and RH9 how to share same dsl modem

WinXP and RH9 are in the same box on separate partitions. WinXP accesses the Internet through a dsl modem. I am stumped and have been unable to access the Internet using RH9 through the same modem. Is there a simple non-geek solution I can understand that will enable my Linux system to go on the Internet? The reference material I have alludes to a separate Linux box as part of a network, which I don't have.
Old 01-13-2005, 06:14 PM   #2
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Have you read the Redhat documentation?
Old 01-14-2005, 08:04 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2004
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This looks like a problem I'm having, but I'm not sure, for you did not provide information enough to compare the cases.

My trouble is this (with WinXP and FC3): every time I change OS after rebooting, the internet connection fails, because no IP address gets assigned to my DHCP client (in both OS's an IP address gets assigned automatically). And the DHCP clients of both OS's send different information to the server, so an IP address assigned to windows cannto be used by Linux. Only if you wait for the DHCP lease to end, the connection can be activated. (That is to say, "ifdown eth0" and "ifup eth0" does not release the DHCP lease information).

Changing these remarks (intended to partially answer your question) into new questions for this thread:
1. Can I force Linux to use the IP address assigned to Windows? Or: the physical MAC address (which seem to be different as well)?
2. Can I make both OS's release DHCP information before shutdown automatically?

NB: it seems to me that the RedHat documentation says little about dual-boot problems like this, or did I miss anything?

Greetz, Remko


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