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Old 10-19-2009, 02:25 PM   #1
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Correct rpcbind package for RHEL5?

Hi all,

I use Redhat Enterprice 5 version of Linux. I need rpcbind package. Which rpcbind package is required for the version that I have used ??

Not: I download some of rpcbind packages from fedora site(RPM resource rpcbind)
When I load the package, some additional library dependencies are lacking for Redhat Enterprice 5 version.

My computer does not connect to ethernet physcially that's way I cannot use "yum".

If someone help me I'll be very appreciate.
Old 10-19-2009, 02:29 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by impasse View Post
Hi all,

I use Redhat Enterprice 5 version of Linux. I need rpcbind package. Which rpcbind package is required for the version that I have used ??

Not: I download some of rpcbind packages from fedora site(RPM resource rpcbind)
When I load the package, some additional library dependencies are lacking for Redhat Enterprice 5 version.

My computer does not connect to ethernet physcially that's way I cannot use "yum".

If someone help me I'll be very appreciate.
Well, Fedora isn't RedHat ENTERPRISE, so it probably won't do you much good. You MIGHT be able to shove something on, but it wouldn't be recommended.

Since you'll have to download it from somewhere, get it from the RedHat site, or install it from your RHEL installation media. Also, if you're not paying for RedHat enterprise, I'd suggest you use CentOS instead, which is nearly identical to RHEL, except it's community supported.
Old 10-19-2009, 03:07 PM   #3
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Didn't the package name change to portmap a while back?
Old 10-19-2009, 04:30 PM   #4
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It seams that there is rpcbind on RHEL/CentOS 5.3 after all, at least according to this site.

I also read that rpcbind is started with portmap, but do not know how.
Old 10-20-2009, 02:14 AM   #5
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I have to use rpcbind with RHEL5

ThankS to all for interested in my trouble.

We have licence and paid money for RHEL5. So I prefer to use RedHat.
I used NFS with portmap successfully between the two RHEL5 computer but Beagleboard(a development kit based linux)
kernel use rpcbind package for NFS. I found old version kernel that includes portmap but these versions does not
support other facilities.

So I have to use rpcbind(Beagleboard needs) and my computer has Redhat. Can rpcbind package work with Redhat?
Old 10-20-2009, 02:33 AM   #6
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Again, AFAIK ,the rpc.bind service is provided by the portmap package on rhel, I don't understand why you think a specific package name is required on a server for the client to make use of.
Old 10-20-2009, 03:58 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by acid_kewpie View Post
Again, AFAIK ,the rpc.bind service is provided by the portmap package on rhel, I don't understand why you think a specific package name is required on a server for the client to make use of.
In my application the computer RHEL5 is server and Begleboard is client. Now I use protmap at RHEL5 side. When connect to Beaglebord, beagleboard try to start NFS the following message is seen:

Looking up port of RPC 100003/2 on
rpcbind: server not responding, timed out
Root-NFS: Unable to get nfsd port number from server, using defat
Looking up port of RPC 100005/1 on

NFS working with Computer and Beagleboard is defined at

Because of begleboard I thought rpcbind package must be to work NFS for the above configuration.

Is it possible one side works portmap the other side work rpcbind? Is there any effect of two packages over the protocol?

Not: Computer and Begleboard connection is right(I receive ping response).
Old 10-20-2009, 04:06 AM   #8
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impasse, I suggest that you direct this question to Red Hat support, they are most competent to answer it. I use CentOS 5.3 who is 100% binary compatible with RHEL 5.3, and I have not found any rpcbind package for RHEL 5.3.

rpcbind package does exist in Fedora Core 7-10, here is link to version for FC 10. Problem is that, RHEL is based on FC 6 and does not have rpcbind package.

Best practice if you REALLY want it would be that you recompile the source rpm on your RHEL 5.x, but then you will not be 100% compatible with RHEL 5.x and Red Hat's support might refuse to help you since you might brake thing by introducing package from unstable FC (and it IS considered unstable) and not specifically designed for RHEL.

Most wise thing would be to use what is shipped with RHEL 5.x, and that is portmap package installed by default and working 100%.
Old 10-20-2009, 04:10 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by impasse View Post
Is it possible one side works portmap the other side work rpcbind? Is there any effect of two packages over the protocol?
Not: Computer and Begleboard connection is right(I receive ping response).
They should work together just fine since if they would not, no Fedora (supported with Red Hat) would be able to communicate with Red Hat's Enterprise servers. And that would be hilariously dumb
Old 10-20-2009, 04:14 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by impasse View Post
In my application the computer RHEL5 is server and Begleboard is client. Now I use protmap at RHEL5 side. When connect to Beaglebord, beagleboard try to start NFS the following message is seen:

Looking up port of RPC 100003/2 on
rpcbind: server not responding, timed out
Root-NFS: Unable to get nfsd port number from server, using defat
Looking up port of RPC 100005/1 on
Do you have firewall up? NFS uses VERY wide range of ports, and your firewall would be set on just one set, so processes on all other ports will be blocked. Try with your firewall down (or with ALLOW for your local subnet), and if it is working, try fixating NFS ports and setting firewall to allow them.
Old 10-20-2009, 04:46 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by DrLove73 View Post
They should work together just fine since if they would not, no Fedora (supported with Red Hat) would be able to communicate with Red Hat's Enterprise servers. And that would be hilariously dumb
You are definitely right. Protocols must be independented from the operating system.

Firewall is down(disable).
Old 10-20-2009, 06:23 AM   #12
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there is NO difference in protocol. they are EXACTLY the same protocol, the installation file the services are installed from are just called something else.

is portmap running? Is it listening? run "netstat -plnu" to show what processes are listening on what udp ports.
Old 10-21-2009, 02:54 AM   #13
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Try the rpcinfo cmd Various options avail to tell you exactly what is/isn't running.


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