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Old 09-13-2012, 01:49 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2012
Posts: 2

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Beowulf Cluster Node boot issue

I have just spent 20 minutes writing a much longer version of this out and hit submit and it wanted me to login again and I lost it all!!!

I have a new install of Centos 6.2 as a master, tftp, dhcp, nfs are setup and I believe working ok. I can pxe boot a centos installation kernel/filesystem without issue. How ever I can not boot my kernel or any that I have downloaded. I did compile my own and got the same issue.

I followed the following guide, plus some others to get this far. But as you know, no one truely writes a step by step guide. I need someone to point out what is missing if they would.

Screen shot of error:

Guide that I followed to get this far:

Thanks for any input!


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