Writing GNOME Panel Applets with Java and Glade
Hello all. At the moment I am attempting to learn how to display a GNOME panel applet by a parsing a glade file containing the interface using the java-gnome language bindings. I already know how to do this in C, i.e. using glade_xml_new, glade_xml_signal autoconnect, etc. to parse the glade file and then call PANEL_APPLET_BONOBO_FACTORY to enter the main loop. However, for this particular project I am restricted to using just Java. I already know about the org.gnome.gtk java library that contains methods to parse the glade file. However, I am lost when it comes to entering the main loop. Is there a java-specific function that can be substituted for PANEL_APPLET_BONOBO_FACTORY or is writing a gnome panel applet impossible with Java?
Furthermore, can Java be used to parse glade files with GtkBuilder?
Thanks in advance.