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ajay.yadav 03-23-2010 04:21 AM

What is the difference allocate a memory with new global and local
Hi All,
I am confused why it happens?
Please solve the problem……..

I generate a assembly code for following C++ code:

Allocate memory with new local
Case 1:
CPP Code

int main()
float * fptr = new float;
return 1;
Corresponding Assembly Code for new and fptr
li %r3,4
bl _Znwj

Allocate memory with new Global
Case 2:
CPP Code

float * fptr = new float;
int main()
return 1;

Corresponding Assembly Code for new and fptr

.align 2
.type _Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii, @function
stwu %r1,-16(%r1)
mflr %r0
cmpwi %cr7,%r3,1
stw %r0,20(%r1)
beq- %cr7,.L9

lwz %r4,20(%r1)
addi %r1,%r1,16
mtlr %r4

xoris %r3,%r4,0xffff
cmpwi %cr0,%r3,-1
bne %cr0,.L7
li %r3,4
bl _Znwj
lwz %r4,20(%r1)
lis %r9,fptr@ha
addi %r1,%r1,16
stw %r3,fptr@l(%r9)
mtlr %r4
.size _Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii, .-_Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii

.align 2
.type _GLOBAL__I_fptr, @function
li %r4,0
li %r3,1
ori %r4,%r4,65535
b _Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii
.size _GLOBAL__I_fptr, .-_GLOBAL__I_fptr
.globl fptr
.section .sbss,"aw",@nobits
.align 2
.type fptr, @object
.size fptr, 4
.zero 4

JohnGraham 03-23-2010 04:48 AM

I'm not familiar with that flavour of assembler, but there's still a "li %r3,4 ; bl _Znwj" set of instructions in both versions, the only differences are (i) when those instructions are executed and (ii) what's done with the pointer.

In the first version, the memory only gets allocated as part of the main() function, but in the second version the memory is allocated before main() is ever entered - gcc inserts code before (and after) your main() function to do this.

And when you call new in your main() function the returned pointer is (presumably) moved onto the stack, but if fptr is global, "lwz %r4,20(%r1)" moves the pointer to the allocated memory to where fptr is in memory.

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