I'm trying to write an expect script that will login to a group of servers, and copy a specified local user's .ssh/id_dsa.pub key to a remote host's .ssh/authorized_keys file.
I have a few problems with this script:
I want the script to be executable by the zabbix group, but I want the script to run as the zabbix user, so it can read ~zabbix/.ssh/id_dsa.pub
I set the script to SUID, but it still only runs as me. The only way I can get the script to see ~zabbix/.ssh is to sudo run the script.
-rwsrwsr-x 1 zabbix zabbix 760 2008-04-30 10:54 install_authorized_key.sh
Here is the bash code that parses a file of hostnames, user names (root), and passwords:
#!/bin/bash -x
echo $MYHOME
echo -e "\nI am $me\n"
while read LINE
if [ ${LINE:0:1} != '#' ]; then
myhost=`echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $1}'`
myuser=`echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $2}'`
mypass=`echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $3}'`
echo "host=$myhost, user=$myuser"
echo -e "\nCopy .ssh/id_dsa.pub to remote host\n"
./scplogin.exp ${myuser} ${mypass} ${myhost} ${MYHOME}/.ssh/id_dsa.pub /tmp
./sshlogin.exp ${myuser} ${mypass} ${myhost} 'cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys >> /tmp/id_dsa.pub'
./sshlogin.exp ${myuser} ${mypass} ${myhost} 'uniq /tmp/id_dsa.pub > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
done < Zabbix-Host_and_Pass.txt
The Expect script contained in scplogin.exp:
#!/usr/bin/expect --
#exp_internal 1
set user [lrange $argv 0 0]
set password [lrange $argv 1 1]
set ipaddr [lrange $argv 2 2]
set fromcopy [lrange $argv 3 3]
set tocopy [lrange $argv 4 4]
set timeout 30
spawn scp $fromcopy $user@$ipaddr:$tocopy
expect {
{ send -- "yes\r" }
{ send -- "$password\r" }
expect eof
The Expect script contained in sshlogin.exp:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set user [lrange $argv 0 0]
set password [lrange $argv 1 1]
set ipaddr [lrange $argv 2 2]
set scriptname [lrange $argv 3 3]
set arg1 [lrange $argv 4 4]
set arg2 [lrange $argv 5 5]
set arg3 [lrange $argv 6 6]
set timeout -1
# now connect to remote UNIX box (ipaddr) with given script to execute
#spawn ssh $user@$ipaddr $scriptname $arg1 $arg2 $arg3
spawn -noecho ssh $user@$ipaddr "$scriptname $arg1 $arg2 $arg3"
match_max 100000
expect {
{ send -- "yes\r" }
{ send -- "$password\r" }
# Look for passwod prompt
#expect "*?assword:*"
# Send password aka $password
#send -- "$password\r"
# send blank line (\r) to make sure we get back to gui
send -- "\r"
expect eof
Now here is the partial output of the code (with -x option in bash).
Where are the extra curly braces { } surrounding my remote commands coming from?
Why am I unable to read the zabbix user's .ssh/id_dsa.pub even when I run the script SUID as root?
+ ./scplogin.exp root <password> ta999 '~zabbix/.ssh/id_dsa.pub' /tmp
spawn scp ~zabbix/.ssh/id_dsa.pub root@ta999:/tmp
root@ta999's password:
~zabbix/.ssh/id_dsa.pub: No such file or directory
+ ./sshlogin.exp root <password> ta999 'cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys >> /tmp/id_dsa.pub'
root@ta999's password:
bash: line 1: {cat: command not found
+ ./sshlogin.exp root <password> ta999 'uniq /tmp/id_dsa.pub > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
root@ta999's password:
bash: line 1: {uniq: command not found
I need to surround the arguments to sshlogin.exp with ticks to prevent the local shell from expanding variables that should be expanded on the remote host.
Thanks for your help!