split files using awk (or similar)
I have a huge file like this:
aaa 222 444 rrr
aaa 234 123 lop
bbb 234 234 kio
bbb 567 345 jjj
ccc 765 567 ghj
ccc 544 678 fre
ccc 444 789 der
I basically need to split the file in a way that:
file aaa.txt shall contain only rows where the first field is aaa:
aaa 222 444 rrr
aaa 234 123 lop
file bbb.txt shall contain only rows where the first field is bbb:
bbb 234 234 kio
bbb 567 345 jjj
etc, etc.
I am sure this is simple and can be done using awk or c-shell script .........
many thanks,