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Old 05-02-2005, 09:09 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Fedora
Posts: 241

Rep: Reputation: 31
Some Gnome/GTK+/C Questions...

Phew... here it goes. You'll have to forgive me for being such a rookie. I've been keeping questions as I work and here are the one's I haven't been able to resolve...

1. Is there a function as part of one of the standard libraries to exract the filename from a given full path, or some common method of doing this?

2. I know Glib has g_sortarray, but requires the GArray data type. What if I just have a regular array I need to sort? (it's an array from a comma separated list of values pulled out of an INI file. I need to alphabetize the list)

3. If using libglade, how would I reference a GnomeAppBar? glade_xml_get_widget() needs GtkWidget data type but a gnome_appbar_push() needs GnomeAppBar type.

4. Another libglade question... if libglades creating the GUI, doesn't that mean there is interface objects in memory that may never be used? LIke an about dialog or file selector dialog? They may not be "visible", but do they still have memory allocated to them?

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Old 05-03-2005, 04:11 AM   #2
Harmaa Kettu
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: Finland
Posts: 196

Rep: Reputation: 30
1. g_path_get_basename() in glib. Also, writing your own using strrchr() and strcpy() shouldn't be hard.

2. The standard C library has qsort().


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