has anybody expirience with soap for C++ (i use gsoap library)
the problem
i want to make a gsoap service which supports access to functions which can be dynamically loaded!
this means i have a soap server (C++/gsoap) and the soap server has a interface for modules to "sign up"
now if a soap client asks for a wsdl file the soap server asks the registered modules for their wsdl definitions and "compiles" all together and returns it to the soap client
then if the soap client requests a function it is automatically and correctly forwarded to my module
it's just a dynamic version of a soap server
it would be great if there is something like a WSDL generator in C/C++ which makes it easier to generate the WSDL file by the modules
anybody knows such thing?
if not, maybe a WSDL docu site will help
i found this
but its a little bit complicated and i don't have time to read the whole stuff