Hi everyone.
I'm having some troubles with the configuration of the serial port, I'm traying to communicate two machines (one with winxp and the other with slackware) when I set up the communication at 1200, 7, even parity and one(1) stop bits it works fine sending. The setup in linux is this
stty -F /dev/ttyS0 speed 1200 cs7 -parodd -cstopb
echo "testing" > /dev/ttyS0
I receive in a HyperTerminal (winXP) set up as 1200b, 7bits, parity even and one stop bit. testing
But when I try to read data using
And send data using an app in vbasic set up with the same parameters, it doesn't read anything, I tried with another linux machine and I received everything from the linux machine using the cat /dev/ttyS0 command.
Does any body knows how to set the serial port at 1200, 7 bits, one stop bit and even parity in oder to read the data sent from a xp machine?