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Old 04-13-2008, 05:36 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2007
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scp help

hi all
i am writing a script which enolves transfering of data from one server to another,i have almost completed it but i just want to add two things in that which are:-

* is there any swtich avilable scp through which i can specify the password in the script itself

* second while my scp is gng on what condition should i add, so that it will continously show me df -h commond's output,please help

Old 04-13-2008, 05:48 PM   #2
Registered: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by akhil.mud View Post
hi all
i am writing a script which enolves transfering of data from one server to another,i have almost completed it but i just want to add two things in that which are:-

* is there any swtich avilable scp through which i can specify the password in the script itself

* second while my scp is gng on what condition should i add, so that it will continously show me df -h commond's output,please help


Issue 1
You can specify passwordless login through ssh which is what scp uses, the problem with this is that you cannot make it only available to a certain script so you open yourself up to security issues if other people use the machine that the runs the script. Since scp can be used by a machine to send a file to another or it can be used by a machine to grab a file from another computer, if you "backup machine" is not readily accessible by less knowledgeble users, then run it on the "backup machine". Follow this tutorial to set up the passwordless login

Use Protocol 2.

Issue 2
I am not sure what you mean. are you running the script via cron or do you run this script manually? Is this to create a "progress bar"?

- Jim
Old 04-13-2008, 06:00 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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hi again

Originally Posted by jimbo1708 View Post

Issue 1
You can specify passwordless login through ssh which is what scp uses, the problem with this is that you cannot make it only available to a certain script so you open yourself up to security issues if other people use the machine that the runs the script. Since scp can be used by a machine to send a file to another or it can be used by a machine to grab a file from another computer, if you "backup machine" is not readily accessible by less knowledgeble users, then run it on the "backup machine". Follow this tutorial to set up the passwordless login

Use Protocol 2.

Issue 2
I am not sure what you mean. are you running the script via cron or do you run this script manually? Is this to create a "progress bar"?

- Jim

hi Jim,
i will use your tutorial for the issue one and about second i want to use the df -h commond,so that i would be aware of disk space issue while data is being transfered,so is it possible that while my script is executing scp,i can get df -h information too.
Old 04-13-2008, 06:13 PM   #4
Registered: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by akhil.mud View Post
hi Jim,
i will use your tutorial for the issue one and about second i want to use the df -h commond,so that i would be aware of disk space issue while data is being transfered,so is it possible that while my script is executing scp,i can get df -h information too.
I still don't understand. Do you want to know that information before/after the script run manually, or do you want a report after an automated run of the script, or do you want the script to only backup if there is space?

- Jim
Old 04-13-2008, 06:42 PM   #5
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You cannot do what you want (with the df -h) directly. One method is to have a second ssh connection whose sole purpose is to watch the df -h output. Another option is to use ssh with redirection instead of scp. For example, suppose you have:
scp /path/to/source user@server:/path/to/destination
Instead, you could do:
ssh user@server "cat > /path/to/destination | while true; do df -h; sleep 5; done" < /path/to/source
In a similar manner, you could take care of pulling a remote file.
Old 04-14-2008, 05:40 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
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thanks you all for has solved my prob quite a bit but what i exactly want is that till my scp is in process, i should constantly get an update on the disk space,so that i can kill scp if there is no disk space

can some one tell me,something regarding this

Originally Posted by jimbo1708 View Post
I still don't understand. Do you want to know that information before/after the script run manually, or do you want a report after an automated run of the script, or do you want the script to only backup if there is space?

- Jim
Old 04-14-2008, 09:47 PM   #7
HCL Maintainer
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Originally Posted by akhil.mud View Post
what i exactly want is that till my scp is in process, i should constantly get an update on the disk space,so that i can kill scp if there is no disk space
First, scp should die by itself if there is not sufficient disk space. Second, as I said before, you cannot do this directly with scp. Third, you didn’t say what was wrong with the suggestion I posted. Did you try it? It accomplishes the equivalent of what you ask.


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