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Old 07-21-2004, 08:51 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 65

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question please tell how to make a plugin for a web-browser (konqueror) using c++ / Qt / Java

i actually want to develop a plugin for a web-browser for my project purpose. I basically want that i should be able to access all the features provided by a web-browser ...i.e.
--> to be able to know the history of the user who has logged in.
--> to be able to display any web-page created by me to show some messages to the user.
--> to be able to start another instance of the web-browser.
--> to connect to any other site in the background and use it for my own purpose.
--> to detect any of the actions done by the user such as clicking the back and forward button and clicking on a hyperlink..
--> to be able to connect to some other server

i would be glad to know if making a plugin really solves my problems of accessing all the features of browser..
it would be good if you let me know some links from where i can get information about developing a plugin and be able to do it in either c++ / Qt / Java.

Awaiting a reply...

Old 07-22-2004, 12:28 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Alphen ad Rijn -- The Netherlands
Distribution: Fedora Core 2 - Slackware 12
Posts: 119

Rep: Reputation: 15
It's almost impossible for Java. The acces the recources of a hard disk you must have a certificate. The user must accept that certificate.

Java Developer


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