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Old 07-03-2007, 08:46 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2007
Posts: 19

Rep: Reputation: 2
PHP variable code works on Windows Server but not Linux Server

Hi all. I have written an application that uses PHP, Apache, and MySQL. It is for lot tracking some materials for the company that I work for. I downloaded a premade WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack to run on my laptop and made my application. Everything about it seemed to work fine when I moved it over to my company's Linux (LAMP) server, but later I realized that one key variable was not getting passed between pages like it should have been. I moved the file back to my windows box and it still worked. When I look at my database, it becomes obvious to me that $pqid does not get passed from the intermediate page. $pqid is a value that is POST'ed from a form in a primary page to my intermediate page, and I use a hidden field in a form (on my intermediate page) to pass it to the (final) processing page. The final processing page does not seem to get the value passed to it on my Linux box. That said, I doubt that my problem is a Linux/Windows problem, but rather an issue in some PHP setting that I missed. I have looked at the phpinfo() files for both servers, and assume that they hold my answer, but I am overwhelmed at the sheer volume of (mostly meaningless to me) data. My code is below; appreciate your help:

PHP Code:

while (list($name$value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS))


"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$value\" name=\"$name\">\n"


This code is within a "POST" type form, and the value for $pqid is posted to the intermediate page, where this code lives.
Old 07-04-2007, 01:17 AM   #2
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First your problem at hand: There is a directive in the php.ini file that can turn off access to the $HTTP_POST_VARS variable (it is better to use $_POST) this directive is called register_long_arrays and is available for the version 5 family of PHP.

Finally I can't leave without suggesting that you should be storing the value as a session variable and then it doesn't need to go into a hidden variable.
Old 07-05-2007, 02:23 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2007
Posts: 19

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Rep: Reputation: 2
Fantastic! Changing $HTTP_POST_VARS to $_POST did the trick! As for session variables, I had previously given them a shot, and couldn't get them to work. I am a newbie when it comes to PHP, and I want to learn and improve my coding skills, but was pushed into writing some PHP for a work project that didn't leave me much time to learn. Thanks for your help!


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