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Old 01-08-2004, 07:17 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2003
Distribution: fedora cor 5 x86_64
Posts: 639

Rep: Reputation: 30
perl regular expression problem

i have a perl script that i created, and what it needs to do is process a bunch of files and put the info from those files into a different format into a summary file. when processing, i need to take out all of the <br> and i come into a problem. i use this

foreach $line (@fields_add){
$line =~ s/<br>/ /i;

to replace the <br> with a space, but it does not get all of them.
basically if you look at the perl script, what it does is just seperate the lines of the files at the occurance of ;; and then puts them in a format for another script. so, if you look at where it shows

1/2<br>This run is too short to be a segment;;

that <br> will be removed, but if you look at

<br>Lat/lons are for start and stop of imaging;;

it will skip that <br>... anyone know why this is not working correctly???

file to be processed 'f000411t01.log' :

f000411t01;;p01_r01;;1;;1;;Preflight;;;;Jack Holbrook;;;;;;;;;;1738;;1740;;4 - Pre/Postflight;;;;
f000411t01;;p02_r01;;2;;1;;Mobile Check;;;;Dee Porter;;;;;;;;;;19:07:09;;19:09:01;;6 - Tarmac Check;;;;
f000411t01;;p03_r01;;3;;1;;Maui 3-A, HI;;02072;;Gene Carl Feldman;;20-49.6;;157-8.6;;20-44.1;;156-22.7;;20:26:51;;20:34:29;;1 - Science;;28/27;;
f000411t01;;p03_r02;;3;;2;;Molokai 2-A, HI;;02072;;Gene Carl Feldman;;21-5.6;;156-42.2;;21-10.3;;157-20.8;;20:41:41;;20:47:53;;1 - Science;;97/98;;
f000411t01;;p03_r03;;3;;3;;MODIS/MOBY;;02026;;Green;;20-53.55;;157-5.1;;20-36.9;;157-5.4;;21:06:30;;21:19:53;;1 - Science;;Control point = 20-49.6, 157-08.25<br>Looking at MOBY @ approx. 21:14:33<br>Lat/lons are for start and stop of imaging;;
f000411t01;;p03_r04;;3;;4;;Hawaii 4-A, HI;;02072;;Gene Carl Feldman;;20-0.9;;156-0.3;;19-59.0;;155-42.1;;21:31:15;;21:35:01;;1 - Science;;58/57;;
f000411t01;;p03_r05;;3;;5;;Hawaii 5-B, HI;;02072;;Gene Carl Feldman;;19-54.6;;155-47.6;;19-56.5;;156-5.3;;21:40:52;;21:44:21;;1 - Science;;60/59<br>5-A was flown on 000410;;
f000411t01;;p03_r06;;3;;6;;Oahu 4-A, HI;;02072;;Gene Carl Feldman;;21-18.0;;157-45.8;;21-19.8;;158-18.1;;22:03:02;;22:06:03;;1 - Science;;7/8;;
f000411t01;;p03_r07;;3;;7;;Oahu 3-A, HI;;02072;;Gene Carl Feldman;;21-25.8;;158-9.3;;21-23.9;;157-53.4;;22:11:37;;22:15:00;;1 - Science;;5/6;;
f000411t01;;p03_r08;;3;;8;;Oahu 1-A, HI;;02072;;Gene Carl Feldman;;21-27.8;;157-45.7;;21-29.9;;158-3.0;;22:20:21;;22:23:47;;1 - Science;;1/2<br>This run is too short to be a segment;;
f000411t01;;p03_r09;;3;;9;;Niihau 2-A, HI;;02072;;Gene Carl Feldman;;21-49.7;;159-59.4;;21-52.1;;160-16.9;;22:40:03;;22:43:29;;1 - Science;;47/48;;
f000411t01;;p03_r10;;3;;10;;Kauai 5-A, HI;;02072;;Gene Carl Feldman;;21-59.5;;160-3.5;;21-54.7;;159-29.0;;22:51:15;;22:57:22;;1 - Science;;44/43;;
f000411t01;;p04_r01;;4;;1;;Postflight;;;;Chuck Sarture;;;;;;;;;;00:40:00;;00:42:00;;4 - Pre/Postflight;;;;

perl script '' :
$LID    = 100;
$FLT    = 0;
$F_PATH = 1;
$LAT1   = 7;
$LON1   = 8;
$LAT2   = 9;
$LON2   = 10;

@filelist  = <f*.log>;
#@filelist = <f000411t01.log>;

$arc_file  = "Arc_file";
$info_file = "info_file";
%out_dat = ();
$hide = 0;

if($ARGV[0] eq "-h" || $ARGV[0] eq "-H"){
	$hide = 1;

open (OUTPUT, ">$arc_file") || die "Cant create $arc_file";


foreach $F (@filelist){
	if($hide == 0){
		print("Processing file $F...\n");
	open (FILE, $F) || die "Cant open $arg_file";
	while ($line = <FILE>) {
		@fields = split(/;;/, $line);
			#first latitude and longitude
			($lat1_d, $lat1_m) = split(/-/, $fields[$LAT1]);
			$lat1_d += $lat1_m/60;
			($lon1_d, $lon1_m) = split(/-/, $fields[$LON1]);
			$lon1_d = ($lon1_d * -1) + (($lon1_m/60) * -1);
			#second lat and lon
			($lat2_d, $lat2_m) = split(/-/, $fields[$LAT2]);
			$lat2_d += $lat2_m/60;
			($lon2_d, $lon2_m) = split(/-/, $fields[$LAT2]);
			$lon2_d = ($lon2_d * -1) + (($lon2_m/60) * -1);

			#output to lat/lon file
			print (OUTPUT "$LID\n");
			print (OUTPUT "$lon1_d\t$lat1_d\n");
			print (OUTPUT "$lon2_d\t$lat2_d\n");
			print (OUTPUT "end\n");

			#store the rest of the info into a hash
			$UID = "$fields[0]_$fields[1]";

			@fields_add = @fields[1 .. 6, 11 .. $#fields];

			#take out the <br>
			foreach $line (@fields_add){
				$line =~ s/<br>/ /i;
			$out_dat{$LID} = (join("\t", $UID, join("\t", @fields_add)));
print (OUTPUT "end\n");
open(OUTPUT, ">$info_file");
for $key (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %out_dat){
	print(OUTPUT "$key\t$out_dat{$key}\n");

Last edited by true_atlantis; 01-09-2004 at 04:46 AM.
Old 01-09-2004, 12:59 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Planet Earth
Distribution: Linux Mint
Posts: 216

Rep: Reputation: 31
Re: perl regular expression problem

Originally posted by true_atlantis

foreach $line (@fields_add){
$line =~ s/<br>/ /i;

anyone know why this is not working correctly???
Yeah, it should be:

foreach $line (@fields_add){
   $line =~ s/<br>/ /ig;
The g option means do a global replace. The line of data that you're having problems with has more than one <br> in it. Without the g option the regex only matches the first instance of <br>.


Last edited by eric.r.turner; 01-09-2004 at 03:02 PM.
Old 05-27-2009, 12:41 AM   #3
Registered: May 2009
Posts: 52

Rep: Reputation: 16
Arrow Don't confuse

Perl is a very effective and simple programming language.

I solution is using 'g' in the substitution it can be solved.

while (<$FH>){
if ($_ =~ s/<br>//g){
print "$_\n";

testing <br> testing <br>
<br>testing <br> testing

testing testing
testing testing
Old 05-27-2009, 01:00 AM   #4
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That's a *five* year old thread ....
Old 05-27-2009, 07:35 AM   #5
Registered: Aug 2003
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Posts: 216

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Originally Posted by syg00 View Post
That's a *five* year old thread ....
And he didn't provide any new information! Weird.


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