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UrbanPykey 05-29-2011 05:58 PM

Parsing text files in BASH!
Please help!

I'm trying to write a script to list all open ports in the MINIUNPND chain in iptables and use the procotol, port and destination ip to open ports on another router using upnpc.
Here is the output of iptables -L MINIUPNPD


>iptables -L MINIUPNPD
Chain MINIUPNPD (1 references)
target    prot opt source              destination       
ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere        tcp dpt:19955
ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere        tcp dpt:20054
ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere        udp dpt:10654
ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere        tcp dpt:29955
ACCEPT    tcp  --  anywhere        udp dpt:55555

I have managed to pipe the above command into a text file with this script



iptables -L MINIUPNPD > tmp.txt

sed -e '1,2d' tmp.txt > tmpa.txt

awk '{print $5 " " $6 " " $7}' tmpa.txt >tmp.txt

Which gives the output

>cat tmp.txt tcp dpt:19955 tcp dpt:20054 udp dpt:10654 tcp dpt:29955 udp dpt:55555

Now this is where i get stuck! I need to read each line and set the fields as variables so i can use them thus


upnpc -r -a $destiation $portnumber $protocol
and repeat thius for every line in the file!

i have tryied using various scripts based around this


while read line ; do
        MYDEST[$index]=$(awk -v t="$line" '{print $5}')
        MYPORT[$index]=$(awk -v t="$line" '{print $7}' | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d$
        MYPROT[$index]=$(awk -v t="$line" '{print $6}')

done < $ips

This didn't work so i had to run the loop 3 times, once for each array i wanted to fill

while read line ; do
        MYDEST[$index]=$(awk -v t="$line" '{print $5}')
done < $ips

while read line ; do
        s=$(awk -v t="$line" '{print $7}')
done < $ips

while read line ; do
        MYPROT[$index]=$(awk -v t="$line" '{print $6}')
done < $ips

echo "Destinations are"
echo "${MYDEST[*]}"
echo "Protols are"
echo "${MYPROT[*]}"
echo "Ports are"
echo "${MYPORT[*]}"

No matter what i do i cant seem to remove the first 4 characters from the MYPROT array to leave only the digits. Also i cant seem to read the array back???

I thought it would simply be a loop reading each line and passing the fields in variables, executing upnpc commands i need then moving to the next line of the file until it reached the EOF

Someone please help as i have spent 2 days trying to get this to work.

Thanks in advance guys

David the H. 05-29-2011 06:24 PM


MYDEST[$index]=$(awk -v t="$line" '{print $5}')
You set the awk variable "t", but then never use it in the command. I think you want to do something like echo "$line" | awk ... instead.

I don't have time to test it out now, but I'd probably get awk to print all three fields at once, and use that to set an intermediate array. Then use that array to set your final array variables. Something like this:


while read line; do

        temparray=(  $( echo $line | awk '{ print $5,$6,$7 } ) )

done < $ips

theNbomr 05-29-2011 06:27 PM

Assuming you want to keep all of the work up to the point of extracting the data to a file:

while read a b c; do echo upnpc -r -a $a $b $c; done < <( cat tmp.txt )
There are some optimizations you can use to get you to this point. When you're satisfied with the output, remove the echo command.

--- rod.

EDIT: missed some of the requirements, see below

theNbomr 05-29-2011 06:35 PM

Okay, couldn't let it go:

while read a b c; do
    c=$(echo $c | cut -d: -f2)
    echo upnpc -r -a $a $c $b
done < <(awk 'NF == 7 { print $5, $6, $7 }' /tmp/LQUrbanPykey.iptables)

The data file /tmp/LQUrbanPykey.iptables is the raw output from your original iptables command.

Output sample:

upnpc -r -a 19955 tcp
upnpc -r -a 20054 tcp
upnpc -r -a 10654 udp
upnpc -r -a 29955 tcp
upnpc -r -a 55555 udp

--- rod.

grail 05-29-2011 07:08 PM

How about:

iptables -L MINIUPNPD | awk 'NR > 2{sub(/.*:/,"",$7),cmd = "upnpc -r -a "$5" "$7" "$6;print | cmd}'

UrbanPykey 05-29-2011 07:19 PM

Wow Thank you theNbomr (rod) You are a star!
That script works lovely! Any chance you can please explain HOW it works? I understand most if it except the syntax of "(awk 'NF == 7 { print $5, $6, $7 }' /tmp/LQUrbanPykey.iptables)".

Its the syntax of operators i get confused with in bash!

Now all i have to do is get this script run by cron at regular intervals or whenever the MINIPNPD chain of iptables changes!

Oh and grail your script cause me to get a syntax error
iptables -L | awk 'NR > 2{sub(/.*:/,"",$7),cmd = "upnpc -r -a "$5" "$7" "$6;print | cmd}'
awk: NR > 2{sub(/.*:/,"",$7),cmd = "upnpc -r -a "$5" "$7" "$6;print | cmd}
awk: ^ syntax error

UrbanPykey 05-29-2011 07:44 PM

I think i understand now! NF==7 states it only looks at lines with EXACTLY 7 fields yes?
Just the syntax of the
[code]c=$(echo $c | cut -d: -f2)[code]

I have to research! Oh and regular checking the MINIUPNP chain of iptables

Once again THANKS!

theNbomr 05-29-2011 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by UrbanPykey (Post 4370531)
I think i understand now! NF==7 states it only looks at lines with EXACTLY 7 fields yes?
Just the syntax of the

c=$(echo $c | cut -d: -f2)

That part chops off the leading 'dpt:' part of the last field. It uses cut to break the string into fields delimited by ':' ( -d: ), and takes the second field ( -f2 ) from the result.

grails effort trumps mine, once you get it working; doesn't use a temp file.

The awk part does only look at records with exactly 7 fields.

--- rod.

PS [CODE]how to use code tags[/CODE]

UrbanPykey 05-29-2011 08:49 PM

Happy Now
It would take me a degree in BASH to work out HOW Grails script works! Your script is more at my level, ONCE i get into my head how the syntax of bash works a bit more. It all seemed so easy laid out on paper in pseudo code!
Anyways here is my completed script, i have added some extra variables to avoid upnpc failing to discover the remote router and to set the destination to the local IP of the local ClearOS gateway


#  ****************************************************
#  * Remote router upnp Port opener          ver 1.01 *
#  *                                                  *
#  * Written by K. Winstanley                29/03/11 *
#  *                                                  *
#  * credit to LinuxQuestions Forum users            *
#  *                    *
#  *                                                  *
#  * This script reads the MINIUPNPD chain of iptables*
#  * containing all upnp opened ports on the local    *
#  * ClearOS gateway and repeats these port mappings  *
#  * on the upstream router using the the local      *
#  * gateway as the destination                      *
#  ****************************************************

# Read local iptables upnp redirects

iptables -L MINIUPNPD > tmp.txt

# Read local Gateway IP

localip=$(ifconfig wlan0 | grep "inet addr" | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1)

# Set Remote router IGD rootDesc in case of failed discovery


# Parse temp file

while read a b; do                                # Read parameters from tempfile
        b=$(echo $b | cut -d: -f2)                # Clean port field
        upnpc -u $rootdesc -a $localip $b $b $a  # Set ports on remote router to local gateway

done < <(awk 'NF == 7 { print $6, $7 }' tmp.txt)  # Filter tempfile with AWK

rm tmp.txt                                        # Remove tempfile
# end

Many thanks guys

grail 05-29-2011 09:47 PM

Well mine was a simple typo :(
The comma should be a semi colon, try:

iptables -L MINIUPNPD | awk 'NR > 2{sub(/.*:/,"",$7);cmd = "upnpc -r -a "$5" "$7" "$6;print | cmd}'
Mine is simple when you look at it :)

1. iptables -L MINIUPNPD | awk - redirect the output of iptables command into awk

2. NR > 2 - this is equivalent to your sed of removing the first 2 lines, mine just ignores them. (PS should you still only be wanting to look at lines with 7 arguments,
you can simply add - && NF == 7 before curly brace)

3. sub(/.*:/,"",$7) - remove everything up until the full colon from the last field (eg. dpt:19955 becomes 19955)

4. cmd = "upnpc -r -a "$5" "$7" "$6 - this is setting the variable cmd to a string representation of what you wish to execute (using your first line of input from
iptables in post #1 it would be - cmd = "upnpc -r -a 19955 tcp" )

5. print | cmd - use the command in the shell

Let me know if you need anymore information :)

UrbanPykey 05-30-2011 06:27 AM

AH! i understand! AWK is performing all the operations within the ' ' delimiters. so your script is a lot less processor use since it only calls 3 "programs" AWK, IPTABLES and UPNPC whereas mine performs alot more operations!

Only problem now is working out if i can use incron or inotify to monitor the changes to the MINIUPNPD chain and if it notices a change, run the upnpforwarder script! only thing i can think so far, and i have only just started thinkling about it, would be altering MINIUPNPD slightly to "touch" a file when it adds rules to the MNINIUPNPD chain. incron or inotify can then look for this "touch"ed file.

Any ideas would be much appreciated!

grail 05-30-2011 08:05 AM

Sorry ... but I do not know much about iptables and nothing about MINIUPNPD. It may pay to raise another question as the gist of this one has been answered.

David the H. 05-30-2011 10:58 AM


b=$(echo $b | cut -d: -f2)
This always bugs me. There's no need to use cut when built-in parameter substitution works just as well.

You can also use it to replace the nested cuts in the localip setting.

localip=$( ifconfig wlan0 | grep "inet addr" )
localip=${localip%% *}

An alternate technique would be to alter awk's field separator to account for both spaces and colons, then you can output the field you want directly and not have to worry about splitting it later.

done < <(awk -F "[[:blank:]:]+" 'NR > 2 { print $6, $8 }' tmp.txt)
In case you need it broken down, -F "[[:blank:]:]+" sets the field separator to a regex that matches to "a string of one or more blank spaces and/or colons". [:blank:] is a character class that matches both space and tab, but not newline.

This should break the colon-ated part into two separate fields. Also, my personal preference is to use NR > 2 to simply skip the first two lines, instead of testing the number of fields on every line. But if you do decide to continue using NF instead, don't forget that NF == 8 now.

How about using the awk command to directly filter the output of iptables instead, so that the temp file only contains the fields you want?

iptables -L MINIUPNPD | awk -F "[[:blank:]:]+" 'NR > 2 { print $6, $8 }' >tmp.txt
You could even use the command to feed the while loop directly and dispense with a temp file completely.

Speaking of which, this also gives you yet another option for setting localip.

localip=$( ifconfig wlan0 | awk -F "[[:blank:]:]+" '/inet addr/ {print $4}' )

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