My current version "Build v. 2022.6.1" of guiscrcpy (to mirror and control an Android device from a computer) has stopped working about the end of 2023.
Since that day, I can connect my computer to the phone, but I cannot enter the PIN or control the phone, anymore, without touching the phone, and up to now, I've been looking in vain for an updated version of that tool.
Meanwhile, I found out there is v.2.4 of scrcpy, where guiscrcpy is based on.
The latest scrcpy (including source code) is
available here and the latest, yet, obviously too old version of guiscrcpy-flatpak
can be found here.
The flatpak version of guiscrcpy should work on Ubuntu based distros (for instance Mint 21+) and Debian based distros (for instance MX-Linux 23+) from bookworm and later and for Android 14+.
I found a scrcpy 1.2.1, but it is very uncomfortable and I cannot be used without the phone's screen on, which is bad for the battery's running time of the phone.
Unfortunately, I am no programmer, so I wonder:
Is here anybody around, with the skills and the time to take the latest scrcpy and create a new build of guiscrcpy and finally make a flatpak out of it, please?