ok, to start with, what i am doing is a web-based database running under rh 9.0, apache web server, mysql, and php.
here is a sample from the text file that i must load into the database prior to querying
03/09/00 08:01:58 Tayabas TAYABAS RTU Addr: 0x30 Acquisition Module Failed
03/09/00 08:02:00 Gateway GATEWAY RTU Addr: 0x26 Acquisition Module Ok
03/09/00 08:02:02 San Pablo 2 S3 CONCENTRATOR Addr: 0x20 Acquisition Module Ok
03/09/00 08:02:04 San Pablo 2 S3 CONCENTRATOR Addr: 0x31 Acquisition Module Ok
03/09/00 08:02:05 San Pablo 2 S3 CONCENTRATOR Addr: 0x22 Acquisition Module Ok
03/09/00 08:02:10 Gateway GATEWAY RTU Addr: 0x26 Acquisition Module Failed
03/09/00 08:02:17 Tayabas TAYABAS RTU Addr: 0x30 Acquisition Module Ok
here are the fields for this text file:
- date
- time
- location - tayabas, gateway, san pablo 2
- source - tayabas rtu, gateway rtu, s3 concentrator
- address - addr: 0x?? acquisition
- device - module
- Message Text - ok, failed