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Old 03-06-2007, 03:47 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 13

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Question launch application from hotplug agent

i am trying to launch an application from a shell script that is called via the hotplug agent mechanism.

the script is called from the usb.agent file
after checking against the vendor/product id etc...

when an attempt is made to launch an app from that script
in fact from the usb.agent script for that matter,
the app will not come into the foreground,
it does not launch at all.

when i call a script from the command line that it calls a script
etc..etc.. i have no problems.
the foreground job is replaced in the sequential order of execution of non backgrounded jobs.

i am not aware of how to trump the original caller of usb.agent
into allowing an application to be launched and assume 'foreground status'

anyone have any clues?

the script's purpose is to 'hot mount' hotplugged usb devices
and in some cases to launch a file manager.
eg: for cellphones where a usr might be expecting to use a specialized application to transfer data.
Old 03-06-2007, 10:47 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2006
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Posts: 323

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are there any errors displayed when "hotplug" executes the script?
it sounds like "usb.agent" has different $PATH and can't
find some of the commands, or it can't find the script itself.

try adding this to usb.agent:
Code: 2> ~/errors.tux
this redirects error output to "errors.tux" in your home directory

Last edited by ygloo; 03-06-2007 at 10:49 PM.
Old 03-08-2007, 12:49 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 13

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hotplug agent app launch

the mounting of the device(s) works well
(i have another question on this issues for later..)
it's the launching of a front end application that i am having trouble with.
that is, an application that outputs to the screen and looks to receive input from the user.
from what i can tell the hotplug agents are run as background jobs and ar not run interactively.
and so i guess the question is how to launch an application into the foreground from a background shell script?

try responses:
ygloo: the PATH usb.agent uses is short: /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
yet i've been successfully calling scripts located elsewhere
using their full paths.
i put 2> ~/errors.tux in the usb.agent script
and got:
that's right, nothing.
the usb.agent script seems to not run with that inserted into it.
Old 03-09-2007, 01:40 AM   #4
Amigo developer
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Please see this thread where two of us have made some progress on this.


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