the mounting of the device(s) works well
(i have another question on this issues for later..)
it's the launching of a front end application that i am having trouble with.
that is, an application that outputs to the screen and looks to receive input from the user.
from what i can tell the hotplug agents are run as background jobs and ar not run interactively.
and so i guess the question is how to launch an application into the foreground from a background shell script?
try responses:
ygloo: the PATH usb.agent uses is short: /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
yet i've been successfully calling scripts located elsewhere
using their full paths.
i put 2> ~/errors.tux in the usb.agent script
and got:
that's right, nothing.
the usb.agent script seems to not run with that inserted into it.