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Old 09-26-2004, 02:06 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Montreal, Quebec
Distribution: Gentoo, Slackware 9.1
Posts: 11

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Kdevelop: Changing my programs default "make install" dir

Hi, I'm developing a program with Kdevelop (3.0.4), and Everything works fine, except for the fact that when I use the automatic make files it creates for me, it tries to install itself in "usr/local/" or something like that. However, I'm not running as root and it fails. I don't WANT it to install in that directory anyways. I would rather it installs in my home directory (lets say ~/program/). If there some place I can change this information from whithin kdevelop?

Also, (and this isn't as important), is there a good tutorial anywhere to explain how to use the automatic documentation of kdevelop anywhere?


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