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ashirazi 10-06-2004 09:34 PM

java tag reader

I'm using javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback, to parse and extract content from webpages. But for some reason it doesnt read the LINK tag and META tag, but reads everything else. Does anyone have any idea why?

As of now the program would read the page:

The source of the webpage could be viewed there.


public class test extends ParserCallback {
/** The tag currently being processed */
private HTML.Tag currentTag = null;
private boolean toParse = true;
private String justText = "";

public test(){
HTMLEditorKit.Parser parser = new ParserDelegator();

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new URL( "" ).openStream() ) );
// parse the HTML document
parser.parse(reader, this, false);
} catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace(System.out);}


/** This method is called when the HTML parser encounts the beginning
* of a tag that means that the tag is paired by an end tag and it's
* not an empty one.
public void handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a, int pos) {
currentTag = t;
if (HTML.Tag.META == t){

Enumeration e = a.getAttributeNames();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {

HTML.Attribute tempAtt = (HTML.Attribute) e.nextElement();
if( tempAtt == HTML.Attribute.CONTENT ){

justText += " " + a.getAttribute(tempAtt);


public void handleEndTag(HTML.Tag t, int pos) {

public void flush() throws BadLocationException {
} // flush

/** This method is called when the HTML parser encounts text (PCDATA)*/
public void handleText(char[] text, int pos){

if(HTML.Tag.P == currentTag){
//text of tag A
String tagText = new String(text);
justText += " "+tagText;
}// End if

}// end handleText();

private String getString(){
return justText;

public static void main(String[] args) {
// create a new Htmldocument handler
test htmlDocHandler = new test();

//System.out.println( htmlDocHandler.getString() );
}// main



Stranger 10-06-2004 10:49 PM

I don't see anything about HTML.Tag.A or HTML.Tag.LINK in your code, so I don't know how you expect to catch a LINK. It looks like your code adds the text of paragraphs (HTML.Tag.P = <p>?) and the attributes of meta tags to the member justText, which your main functin fetches via getText() and prints.

Why would you not use an instance of HTMLDocument.HTMLReader (without subclassing it) and register Actions with it? I assume that you could process whatever you want to process from the Actions. Of course, Sun's documentation (as of J2SE 1.4.2) is very sparse for the ParserCallback and the HTMLReader, and without digging into the internals of the J2SDK source code, I can't really tell what these HTML classes are supposed to do.

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