Allright, I'm just gonna jump into this head first, so here goes...
HOW DO I DO RADIO BUTTONS? I know how to do them so that they just turn up, (like I did with the other menu items, normal ones) like this:
JMenu semnu = new JMenu("Settings");
JRadioButtonMenuItem sob;
ButtonGroup crowd = new ButtonGroup();
semnu.add(sob = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("easy", true));
semnu.add(sob = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("medium"));
semnu.add(sob = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("hard"));
the problem is that I moved my normal menu items out of the method so I could do action listening easier (read: so I could do it). The problem? I get an error when I move ^ that stuff up out of the method.
I mean, I declare the menu items before the method, then add them in the method. Help, Please?
allright: another problem (a quickie)
I have a help menu, that when clicked, pops up a new JFrame and tells the user what to do. I have a button "OK" to click when done, but I don't want
, do I? that would make the program quit. How do I close a JFrame, without closing the program?
thanks people.