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webwolf70 10-03-2004 10:21 PM

Javascript Menu help
I am trying to add this menu to my website. It will Have links across the top and when you click on each link it shows a list in the drop down box below for that link.

It works fine. But what I want to do is have each link that is clicked on in the drop down menu to open in a seperate window. I tried the classic target="_blank" but that didn't work, surprise lol. Just by looking at this can anyone give me any ideas? I know this may be a bit vague but I really don't know about programming in javascript. I am slowly teaching myself c++ and I don't want to get to involved with similiar things yet but I know how I want my website and I want these links to open in a seperate window, lol.

Here is the code in two parts. Head and body. Thanks.


menu=new Array()
menu[0]=new Array()
menu[1]=new Array()
menu[2]=new Array()

menu[0][0]=new Option("Yahoo","" )
menu[0][1]=new Option("","")
menu[0][2]=new Option("","")
function fillList(z){

for (a=document.f.s.options.length-1;a>0;a--){document.f.s.options[a]=null}

for (a=0;a<menu[z].length;a++){document.f.s.options[a]=new





<A HREF=Javascript:fillList(0)>One</A>
<A HREF=Javascript:fillList(1)>Two</A>
<A HREF=Javascript:fillList(2)>Three</A>
<SELECT NAME=s style="width:225">
<OPTION VALUE="#">Where do you want to go?
<!--// Clicking this button will take you to the url that corresponds to the choice you made from the drop down //-->
<INPUT TYPE=button onclick="location=document.f.s.options[document.f.s.selectedIndex].value" VALUE=">>">



mirradric 10-03-2004 10:53 PM

You are asking a question about javascript, not java. They are different. I've not done javascript for about 5 years so I can't help you.

webwolf70 10-03-2004 11:02 PM


Originally posted by mirradric
You are asking a question about javascript, not java. They are different. I've not done javascript for about 5 years so I can't help you.

Lol, oops. I thought I wrote Javascript, not java. I have been playing around with different menu's all day. Things are blurring together :(


jlliagre 10-04-2004 01:29 AM

There's no 'target="_blank"' in your script, so no surprise it doesn't open a new window.
What you need to do is to open a new window in your onclick handler by calling a custom function.

Another problem, but it's not your fault, LQ Forums split "javascript" in "java script" in the A tag HREF, so a cut/paste breaks the code, even using the code tag doesn't help, but you should do it anyway as it improves code readability.

syphoncode.32 10-30-2004 02:27 AM

i havent used javascript in a while, but try for each link's onClick() method new window("URL","width, height");

ex. <a href=javascript:onClick()=new window("URL","width, height");></a>

i dont remember if some of that needs quotes around it

syphoncode.32 10-30-2004 02:33 AM

damn it, LQ put that smiley in after "javascript", its supposed to be a colon (:) followed by onClick

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