"Go to jail. Go
directly to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200."
this code is unreadable. There's not a line of comments to it, there's no explanation of what the magic numbers (ASCII?) mean, and no consideration of things like multi-byte (international) character-sets.
... !!
Code like this simply must be rewritten.
Make it clear. When you do so, you'll notice problems like "dict.dat" being opened, closed, and read for
every word, and then (without the slightest bit of explanation, of course) opened and closed
again in the main routine.
If you submit this kind of code to your computer and its disk-drive, it will quite righteously throw you out.
I would
never allow such incomprehensible stuff to be checked-in to
my CVS repository!
I mean this ... actually ... in a serious but friendly way. Hie thee out and buy a copy of
The Elements of Programming Style (even the original FORTRAN edition) and
read it.
You are not allowed to use your "Get Out Of Jail Free" card until you do!