I have an odd problem lately with some of the Python scripts on my website. By commenting out various include statements I tracked it down to one module - MySQLdb. It seems my web hosts had removed it for reasons best known only to themselves. I asked for it to be reinstated, and apparently it was, because I can now go into the Python interpreter and import it successfully.
However, this still doesn't relieve the problem. I wrote a test script to prove it to myself -- when I have the "include MySQLdb" line commented out, my script works. (It's at
http://www.cybermenology.com/cgi-bin/test.py and does nothing but print Hi to the screen.) When it's uncommented, it doesn't. Note that the script never actually makes any MySQL calls or uses the module in any way - its sheer presence causes the abort.
Has anyone encountered this before, or know of any diagnostic which I can use to show whether perhaps the reinstated module was compiled with another version of gcc, or... well, anything? I'm about at my wits' end with this thing.