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ta0kira 01-06-2008 07:44 PM

in need of a 'select' break with a closed socket
I'm working on a server-like program which calls select in a loop using multiple stream sockets. All descriptors in the program are non-blocking, so select and a pthread_cond_wait somewhere else are the only blocking points I have.

I'm having a "problem" when a connected client exits and the cooresponding socket descriptor on the server isn't the first in the select list. The select call doesn't break until another descriptor has data ready or until the first descriptor's other end closes. In other words, the only break for an unreadable socket happens when that socket is the first in the list. This keeps the descriptor hanging, but more importantly, keeps the program from accurately updating the status of what's connected.

As an example:
  • client X connects to the server (placed 1st with FD_SET)
  • client Y connects to the server (placed 2nd with FD_SET)
  • client Z connects to the server (placed 3rd with FD_SET)
  • ...
  • client Y exits and implicitly closes it's connections
  • the socket for Y is still a part of the select list until either X or Z send data or X exits
I experimented with a timeout for select, but I'd be better off using while (read(...) < 0); or something similarly attrocious because of its processor intensity.

I get the feeling I'm partially lucky to get what I am getting due to undefined behavior. The main goal is to have a blocked server except for when something is happening. Thanks.

PS The exit happens during the blocked select call. I haven't been able to create a situation where the exit happens between the select calls since.

Mara 01-07-2008 03:41 PM

Which set do you check when waiting for connection close?

dwhitney67 01-07-2008 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by ta0kira (Post 3013776)
... I experimented with a timeout for select, but I'd be better off using while (read(...) < 0); or something similarly attrocious because of its processor intensity.

I don't quite understand what is atrocious about using a timeout with select(). Doesn't your server thread have to check if there are other clients connecting? How will it do so if it is suspended while waiting for activity from an existing client?

When a client disconnects, select() reports activity with the client's socket. At this point, the server will not know what type of activity has occurred until a read() is performed. If the read() operation returns a value less than zero, then you know that the client has disconnected.

Here's a code snippet of a multi-threaded server I worked on many years ago that handles data incoming from multiple clients. Note that client connections where handled in a separate thread.

PHP Code:

  while (!stop_requested())
//   Setup file descriptor list for select call
struct timeval timeout = {10};  // one second
fd_set         readSet;
uint32_t nfds m_clientList.getClientSet(read_set);

//   Check if there is any data traffic to be read on any of the
    //   file descriptors.
if (select(nfds+1, &readSetNULLNULL, &timeout) == 0)
dbg[*this] << "select timed out" << el;

// The code below to determine the client was actually done in a
    // a mutex-protected method within the m_clientList object.  I've
    // shown it here just to show the gist of what needed to get the
    // handle to the client object (if any).
Client *client NULL;

    for (
Iterator it m_clientList.begin(); it != m_clientList.end(); ++it)
      if (
FD_ISSET(it->first, &readSet))
client it->second;

    if (
client == NULL)
dbg[*this] << "Client object could not be found" << el;

// Client is known.
bool newMsgAvailable true;

    while (
newMsgAvailable == true)
char    msg[MsgAPI::MAX_MSGLEN] = {NULL};
size_t  msgSize client->getNextMsg(msgsizeof msg);  // read() done in here

switch (msgSize)
dbg[*this] << "No new message received" << el;
newMsgAvailable false;

dbg[*this] << "Msg Too Large or Client Disconnected" << el;
newMsgAvailable false;

dbg[*this] << "Got a message" << el;

Let me know if you have any further questions or comments.

ta0kira 01-08-2008 10:22 AM

When I used a timeout with select my processor activity jumped to over 90%, whereas keeping it indefinite allowed it to stay near idle.

shutdown on client exit seems to be working. I've been checking the read set. Thanks.

dwhitney67 01-08-2008 11:05 AM

Your processor shouldn't have jumped to 90% because of the select(). It was probably something else on your system (or your application, if it is multithreaded) that is causing the issue.

Compile and run the following program, and verify if indeed the process is taking up a substantial amount of CPU time.

PHP Code:

#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <unistd.h>

int mainint argcchar **argv )
int seconds = (argc atoi(argv[1]) : 30);
int usecs   = (argc atoi(argv[2]) : );

struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec  seconds;
tv.tv_usec usecs;

// perform delay
select0000, &tv );


Mara 01-08-2008 03:42 PM

In fact, the connection is closed if read returns less or EQUAL to zero. Quite an important condition.

I guess the high processor usage was because of the not handled the closure and select was not blocking inside, just returning.

ta0kira 01-10-2008 04:35 PM

Actually, the place where I used select with a timeout was for a bound local socket. The socket was open the entire time, and literally the only change was the addition of a 100ms timeout. Non-blocking accept with a 100ms retry in its place kept processor useage low, so, it wasn't the loop code. The matter of having a closed socket is a different one, though. It did take place within a pthread, so that might be the problem. I'll try to duplicate both conditions: the timeout and the non-first descriptor.

The way I do test for a closed socket is to take the result of select (as long as errno isn't EINTR) and try to read each descriptor (non-blocking.) If I get a 0 read then I close it and remove it from the list. shutdown does seem to force select to break, though.

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