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john.daker 06-24-2009 03:17 AM

How to use in my c program?
Deal all,
I've download unrarsrc-3.9.4.tar.gz and make a lib, and I want to use it in my c code, I can hardly find any api docs using google, how to use in my c program?


tronayne 06-25-2009 12:27 PM

When you made the library; e.g., with make, did you also (as super user) execute make install? Did the library get install in /usr/local/lib? Do you have a file, somewhere in your /etc directory (or a sub-directory of /etc? If so, is there a line in that file like this:

there may be other lines, too

If so, when you compile a C program, simply...

cc -o prog prog.c -lunrar
If you did not install the library somewhere, then you would

cc -o prog prog.c -LPATH_TO_DIRECTORY -lunrar
where PATH_TO_DIRECTORY is the path from where you are to the directory that contains the file

The above is purposely simplified; it's probable that you'll need to include a header file, possibly ubnrar.h, that contains the definitions of the various functions contained in that library -- wouldn't be a bad idea to read the documentation that came with the unrarsrc package (README, manual pages, etc.).

Hope this helps some.

john.daker 06-26-2009 05:07 AM

Thanks, but what I mean is that I dont know how to use functions the provide, is there any api docs for libunrar?

tronayne 06-26-2009 07:27 AM

I've just spent about 30 minutes bouncing around looking for documentation for this thing... and, well, there just doesn't seem to be any. Odd, that. The unrarlib home site,, tells us that the project is inactive (since October 2007), provides a bunch of links (none of which appear to document how to actually use the thing), and I'm at a loss.

I did download unrarsrc-3.7.8.tar.gz and did make -f makefile.unix which resulted in unrar (not a library, an executable utility). Executing that as unrar -help produces a listing of all the command line options -- maybe that's what you're looking for?

Best of luck with it.

john.daker 06-29-2009 04:48 AM

Thanks for your work...
I use `make lib -f makefile.unix`, and got a ``, just dont know
how to call the functions provide...

tronayne 06-29-2009 06:20 AM

After I couldn't find anything, anywhere that looked anything like documentation, I scanned through all the source code to see if there were any comments in the files describing what the functions was supposed to do and the like; nuthin, nowhere, nohow. From what I could gather, RAR appears to be a windows-only thing that's been ported to other systems (I think once in the last 10 years somebody has sent me a RAR file and I had to dig around to find unrar so I could unpack the thing). I looks to me like if you just make -f makefile.unix you'll get the utility, unrar, and you can figure out how to use it from the help; there's no man page, no documentation, but there is that utility. I just doesn't look like RAR is a going concern any more and it might be beating a dead horse.

Hope this helps some.

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