Note differences from mod_jk and mod_jk2.
It can be found on the apache website here:
Scroll down the page to the section that says "Tomcat Web Server Connectors" and click on the link that says "JK 2 Binary Releases" then you have some choices. You can click on the link that says "linux" but it only has three versions there:
What I did was after clicking on the link that says "JK 2 Binary Releases" you will end up looking at a directory listing on a mirror site, don't click on any of the distribution directories. but click on the "Parent Directory" link and it will take you to a listing with the generic versions called
jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.tar.gz (for unix-like systems)
and (for windows).
I found some out-dated directions for the install of it here: but this is for redhat 9.
Good luck!