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Old 06-25-2024, 12:23 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2023
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How Can I Improve My Library

Hello everyone,

I have been on a hiatus for the past little while from programming and am trying to get back into the hobby in a meaningful capacity. In the process I have been reviewing some old projects of mine and wanted to ask if more experienced programming could offer some constructive criticism and advice for a library I wrote in Common Lisp. I wrote a library called cl-sll (Common Lisp Simple Logging Library) to provide me with basic logging functionality. In its current state I would consider it a solid first version with the only current future plans being to add support for different time and date formats. While I do feel satisfied with the current version and have started writing documentation for it I also know that, as a hobbyist, I have a lot to learn and wanted to know what if anything could be improved within my library (while staying within the scope and feature set intended, that being basic logging to a file or stream). How can I improve my library? Is it readable or messy? For those more experienced with Common Lisp are there more implementations I could support within util.lisp or even (get-memory-address-of)? I have been told in the past that my commenting could be improved and that I could name things better.
Old 06-26-2024, 01:51 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Honestly, "ask your customers." The people out there who use your library. What do they want added or changed?

I published and sold a computer software product, over twenty-five years ago now, which believe it or not I continue to sell (now and then). (Although active development has now ended.) It went through six major releases, and the feature-sets that were included in all of them came directly from actual customer feedback. I sold them what they said they wanted, and they kept buying upgrades and making more wishes.


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