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Four 11-11-2006 09:30 PM

g++ resources
I saw some executables where there is just one executable and running it has pictures and other things. According to the source code they are called "resources". How may I do something similar, lets say I have a textfile, how may I put it into the executable when it compiles and then read it when the program executes?

Sorry my explanation isn't good, I don't know the proper terminology for this.

Thank you!

nadroj 11-12-2006 12:43 AM


...lets say I have a textfile, how may I put it into the executable when it compiles and then read it when the program executes?
you want to read in the file contents? sure you can do that.. what do you want to do with the contents, though, print them? edit the file? look up fstream for a c++ class that is used to read/write from/to files
if this isnt what you meant please give more details

kalleanka 11-12-2006 05:50 AM

check libxml2

Four 11-12-2006 10:40 AM

Here is an example (I see this usually in games), some simple games are just one executable, however they contain pictures and sound, there are no external files used. How is that done?[clearly sounds and pictures are somehow intergrated into the executable]

Thank you

nadroj 11-12-2006 04:28 PM

i know in the old visual basic (version 6?) you could do this, i dont know of any other method.

i think its a better idea to seperate the code from other media, such as sounds and pictures. many popular professionally-developed games use external files to do this. do you really NEED to have it only one executable?

Four 11-12-2006 05:34 PM

I don't need to, I just thought it was interesting.

kalleanka 11-13-2006 03:29 AM

ok this was found in
so to get a text file you specify the path and name and the read it.

/* MaitreTarot.
* (C) 2002 Yves Mettier <
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libintl.h>
#define _(a) gettext (a)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <maitretarot.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "config_utils.h"

#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_HOST_NAME "localhost"
#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_GEOMETRY "400x540+0+0"
#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_BG_COLOR "#22448C172244"
#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_MAITRETAROT_SERVER_NAME "maitretarot_server &"
#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_PROGRAM_CLIENT_1 "mt_dolphin_ia -n IA1 &"
#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_PROGRAM_CLIENT_2 "mt_dolphin_ia -n IA2 &"
#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_PROGRAM_CLIENT_3 "mt_dolphin_ia -n IA3 &"

#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_STRING "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone='yes'?>\n" \
"<maitretarot>\n" \
" <client name='mt_gtk_client' type='client'>\n" \
" <port>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_SERVER_PORT "</port>\n" \
" <host_name><![CDATA[" DEFAULT_CONFIG_HOST_NAME "]]></host_name>\n" \
" <player_name><![CDATA[" DEFAULT_CONFIG_PLAYER_NAME "]]></player_name>\n" \
" <geometry>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_GEOMETRY "</geometry>\n" \
" <cardpics>\n" \
" <images_dir><![CDATA[" CARDPICS_DIR "]]></images_dir>\n" \
" </cardpics>\n" \
" <bg_color>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_BG_COLOR "</bg_color>\n" \
" <taker_bid_color>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_TAKER_BID_COLOR "</taker_bid_color>\n" \
" <other_bid_color>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_OTHER_BID_COLOR "</other_bid_color>\n" \
" <card_heart>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_CARD_HEART "</card_heart>\n" \
" <card_club>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_CARD_CLUB "</card_club>\n" \
" <card_diamond>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_CARD_DIAMOND "</card_diamond>\n" \
" <card_spade>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_CARD_SPADE "</card_spade>\n" \
" <card_trump>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_CARD_TRUMP "</card_trump>\n" \
" <card_ascendant>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_ASCENDANT_ORDER "</card_ascendant>\n" \
" <card_upper>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_UPPER_ORDER "</card_upper>\n" \
" <maitretarot_server>\n" \
" </maitretarot_server>\n" \
" <program_client id='1'>\n" \
" <name><![CDATA[" DEFAULT_CONFIG_PROGRAM_CLIENT_1 "]]></name>\n" \
" </program_client>\n" \
" <program_client id='2'>\n" \
" <name><![CDATA[" DEFAULT_CONFIG_PROGRAM_CLIENT_2 "]]></name>\n" \
" </program_client>\n" \
" <program_client id='3'>\n" \
" <name><![CDATA[" DEFAULT_CONFIG_PROGRAM_CLIENT_3 "]]></name>\n" \
" </program_client>\n" \
" <program_server_delay>" DEFAULT_CONFIG_DELAY "</program_server_delay>\n" \
" </client>\n" \

conf_update_with_command_line (config_t * conf, int argc, char **argv)
int i;
args_e prev_arg;

prev_arg = ARGS_UNSET;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if (prev_arg == ARGS_UNSET)
if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-h"))
show_usage (argv[0]);
return (-1);
else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--help"))
show_usage (argv[0]);
return (-1);
else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--version"))
g_print (VERSION);
return (-2);
else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-v"))
g_print (VERSION);
return (-2);
else if (!strncmp
(argv[i], "--no-start-screen",
sizeof ("--no-start-screen")))
conf->gui_start_screen = FALSE;
if (!strncmp
(argv[i], "--cardpics-dir=", sizeof ("--cardpics-dir")))
conf->cardpics_dir =
g_string_new (&(argv[i][sizeof ("--cardpics-dir")]));
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "--port=", sizeof ("--port")))
conf->gui_port = atoi (&(argv[i][sizeof ("--port")]));
else if (!strncmp
(argv[i], "--player-name=", sizeof ("--player-name")))
if (conf->gui_player_name)
g_string_free (conf->gui_player_name, TRUE);
conf->gui_player_name =
g_string_new (&(argv[i][sizeof ("--player-name")]));
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "--geometry=", sizeof ("--geometry")))
if (conf->gui_geometry)
g_string_free (conf->gui_geometry, TRUE);
conf->gui_geometry =
g_string_new (&(argv[i][sizeof ("--geometry")]));
else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "--server=", sizeof ("--server")))
if (conf->gui_host_name)
g_string_free (conf->gui_host_name, TRUE);
conf->gui_host_name =
g_string_new (&(argv[i][sizeof ("--server")]));
else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-p"))
prev_arg = ARGS_PORT;
else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-c"))
else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-n"))
else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-g"))
prev_arg = ARGS_GEOMETRY;
else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-s"))
prev_arg = ARGS_SERVER;
else if (prev_arg == ARGS_PORT)
conf->gui_port = atoi (argv[i]);
prev_arg = ARGS_UNSET;
else if (prev_arg == ARGS_PLAYERNAME)
if (conf->gui_player_name)
g_string_free (conf->gui_player_name, TRUE);
conf->gui_player_name = g_string_new (argv[i]);
prev_arg = ARGS_UNSET;
else if (prev_arg == ARGS_GEOMETRY)
if (conf->gui_geometry)
g_string_free (conf->gui_geometry, TRUE);
conf->gui_geometry = g_string_new (argv[i]);
prev_arg = ARGS_UNSET;
else if (prev_arg == ARGS_SERVER)
if (conf->gui_host_name)
g_string_free (conf->gui_host_name, TRUE);
conf->gui_host_name = g_string_new (argv[i]);
prev_arg = ARGS_UNSET;
else if (prev_arg == ARGS_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
/* This one was already done before */
prev_arg = ARGS_UNSET;
g_printerr ("This case should never appear (prev_arg=%d)",prev_arg);

return (0);

conf_free (config_t * conf)
int i;
if (conf->cardpics_dir)
g_string_free (conf->cardpics_dir, TRUE);
if (conf->gui_host_name)
g_string_free (conf->gui_host_name, TRUE);
if (conf->gui_player_name)
g_string_free (conf->gui_player_name, TRUE);
if (conf->gui_geometry)
g_string_free (conf->gui_geometry, TRUE);
if (conf->gui_layout_bg_color)
g_string_free (conf->gui_layout_bg_color, TRUE);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (conf->gui_command[i])
g_string_free (conf->gui_command[i], TRUE);
if (config->config_file_name)
g_free (config->config_file_name);
g_free (conf);

config_t *
config_read (int argc, char **argv)
config_t *conf;
const gchar *key;
int i;
const gchar default_config_file_name[] = CONFIGFILENAME;
const gchar *config_file_name = NULL;

/* Find if a config file name was specified in the command line */
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-c"))
if (i < argc)
config_file_name = argv[i];
show_usage (argv[0]);
return (NULL);
else if (!strncmp
(argv[i], "--config-file-name=",
sizeof ("--config-file-name")))
config_file_name = &(argv[i][sizeof ("--config-file-name")]);
if (!config_file_name)
config_file_name = default_config_file_name;

/* Init the config */

if (!libmt_xmlconfig_init_from_file (config_file_name))
g_message (_("Could not load config file. Using the default one. "));
if (!libmt_xmlconfig_init_from_string (DEFAULT_CONFIG_STRING))
g_error (_("Could use the default config. Aborting. "));
return (NULL);
conf = g_malloc (sizeof (config_t));
if (!conf)
g_error (_("Not enough memory. Aborting."));

conf->config_file_name = g_strdup (config_file_name);

/* Start Screen */
conf->gui_start_screen = TRUE;

/* Init gui_info_geometry */
conf->gui_info_geometry = g_string_new (DEFAULT_CONFIG_GEOMETRY);

/* Port */
conf->gui_port = 0;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_port = atoi (key);
if (conf->gui_port == 0)
conf->gui_port = atoi (DEFAULT_CONFIG_SERVER_PORT);

/* host name */
conf->gui_host_name = NULL;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_host_name = g_string_new (key);
if (!conf->gui_host_name)
conf->gui_host_name = g_string_new (DEFAULT_CONFIG_HOST_NAME);

/* player name */
conf->gui_player_name = NULL;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_player_name = g_string_new (key);
if (!conf->gui_player_name)
conf->gui_player_name = g_string_new (DEFAULT_CONFIG_PLAYER_NAME);

/* cardpics dir */
conf->cardpics_dir = NULL;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->cardpics_dir = g_string_new (key);
if (!conf->cardpics_dir)
conf->cardpics_dir = g_string_new (CARDPICS_DIR);

/* geometry */
conf->gui_geometry = NULL;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_geometry = g_string_new (key);
if (!conf->gui_geometry)
conf->gui_geometry = g_string_new (DEFAULT_CONFIG_GEOMETRY);

/* layout bg_color */
conf->gui_layout_bg_color = NULL;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_layout_bg_color = g_string_new (key);
if (!conf->gui_layout_bg_color)
conf->gui_layout_bg_color = g_string_new (DEFAULT_CONFIG_BG_COLOR);

/* layout taker_bid_color */
conf->gui_taker_bid_color = NULL;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_taker_bid_color = g_string_new (key);
if (!conf->gui_taker_bid_color)
conf->gui_taker_bid_color = g_string_new (DEFAULT_CONFIG_TAKER_BID_COLOR);

/* layout other_bid_color */
conf->gui_other_bid_color = NULL;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_other_bid_color = g_string_new (key);
if (!conf->gui_other_bid_color)
conf->gui_other_bid_color = g_string_new (DEFAULT_CONFIG_OTHER_BID_COLOR);

/* Card heart */
conf->gui_card_sort_value[0] = GUI_CARD_SORT_UNDEF;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_card_sort_value[0] = atoi (key);
if (conf->gui_card_sort_value[0] == GUI_CARD_SORT_UNDEF)
conf->gui_card_sort_value[0] = atoi (DEFAULT_CONFIG_CARD_HEART);

/* Card club */
conf->gui_card_sort_value[1] = GUI_CARD_SORT_UNDEF;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_card_sort_value[1] = atoi (key);
if (conf->gui_card_sort_value[1] == GUI_CARD_SORT_UNDEF)
conf->gui_card_sort_value[1] = atoi (DEFAULT_CONFIG_CARD_CLUB);

/* Card diamond */
conf->gui_card_sort_value[2] = GUI_CARD_SORT_UNDEF;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_card_sort_value[2] = atoi (key);
if (conf->gui_card_sort_value[2] == GUI_CARD_SORT_UNDEF)
conf->gui_card_sort_value[2] = atoi (DEFAULT_CONFIG_CARD_DIAMOND);

/* Card spade */
conf->gui_card_sort_value[3] = GUI_CARD_SORT_UNDEF;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_card_sort_value[3] = atoi (key);
if (conf->gui_card_sort_value[3] == GUI_CARD_SORT_UNDEF)
conf->gui_card_sort_value[3] = atoi (DEFAULT_CONFIG_CARD_SPADE);

/* Card trump */
conf->gui_card_sort_value[4] = GUI_CARD_SORT_UNDEF;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_card_sort_value[4] = atoi (key);
if (conf->gui_card_sort_value[4] == GUI_CARD_SORT_UNDEF)
conf->gui_card_sort_value[4] = atoi (DEFAULT_CONFIG_CARD_TRUMP);

/* Ascendent/descendent sorting */
if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (DEFAULT_CONFIG_ASCENDANT_ORDER, "FALSE") == 0)
conf->gui_card_ascendant_order = FALSE;
conf->gui_card_ascendant_order = TRUE;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "FALSE") == 0)
conf->gui_card_ascendant_order = FALSE;
conf->gui_card_ascendant_order = TRUE;

/* upper/downer sorting */
if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (DEFAULT_CONFIG_UPPER_ORDER, "FALSE") == 0)
conf->gui_card_upper_order = FALSE;
conf->gui_card_upper_order = TRUE;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "FALSE") == 0)
conf->gui_card_upper_order = FALSE;
conf->gui_card_upper_order = TRUE;

conf->gui_command[0] = NULL;
conf->gui_command[1] = NULL;
conf->gui_command[2] = NULL;
conf->gui_command[3] = NULL;

/* maitretarot server program name */
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_command[0] = g_string_new (key);
if (!conf->gui_command[0])
conf->gui_command[0] = g_string_new (DEFAULT_CONFIG_MAITRETAROT_SERVER_NAME);

/* client 1 program name */
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_command[1] = g_string_new (key);
if (!conf->gui_command[1])
conf->gui_command[1] = g_string_new (DEFAULT_CONFIG_PROGRAM_CLIENT_1);

/* client 2 program name */
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_command[2] = g_string_new (key);
if (!conf->gui_command[2])
conf->gui_command[2] = g_string_new (DEFAULT_CONFIG_PROGRAM_CLIENT_2);

/* client 3 program name */
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_command[3] = g_string_new (key);
if (!conf->gui_command[3])
conf->gui_command[3] = g_string_new (DEFAULT_CONFIG_PROGRAM_CLIENT_3);

conf->gui_command_server_delay = GUI_COMMAND_SERVER_DELAY_UNDEF;
key = libmt_xmlconfig_get_value
if (key)
conf->gui_command_server_delay = atoi (key);
if (conf->gui_command_server_delay == GUI_CARD_SORT_UNDEF)
conf->gui_command_server_delay = atoi (DEFAULT_CONFIG_DELAY);

i = conf_update_with_command_line (conf, argc, argv);
if (i != 0)
conf_free (conf);
return (NULL);
return (conf);

static gboolean
write_channel (GIOChannel * chan, GString * st, GError ** error)
GError *local_error=NULL;
gsize blen;

g_io_channel_write_chars (chan, st->str, -1, &blen, &local_error);
if (local_error )
if (error)
error[0] = g_error_copy (local_error);
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);

config_write (GError ** error)
GIOChannel *chan;
GString *st;
GError *local_error;
gint i;

local_error = NULL;

chan = g_io_channel_new_file (config->config_file_name, "w", &local_error);

if (local_error != NULL)
if (error)
error[0] = g_error_copy (local_error);
return (-1);

st = g_string_new ("");

g_string_printf (st,
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone='yes'?>\n"
" <client name='mt_gtk_client' type='client'>\n");

if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <port>%d</port>\n", config->gui_port);
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <host_name><![CDATA[%s]]></host_name>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <player_name><![CDATA[%s]]></player_name>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <geometry>%s</geometry>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <cardpics>\n");
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <images_dir><![CDATA[%s]]></images_dir>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " </cardpics>\n");
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <bg_color>%s</bg_color>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <taker_bid_color>%s</taker_bid_color>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <other_bid_color>%s</other_bid_color>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <card_heart>%d</card_heart>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <card_club>%d</card_club>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <card_diamond>%d</card_diamond>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <card_spade>%d</card_spade>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <card_trump>%d</card_trump>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <card_ascendant>%s</card_ascendant>\n",
(config->gui_card_ascendant_order ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <card_upper>%s</card_upper>\n",
(config->gui_card_upper_order ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <maitretarot_server>\n");
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <name><![CDATA[%s]]></name>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " </maitretarot_server>\n");
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
g_string_printf (st, " <program_client id='%d'>\n", i);
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " <name><![CDATA[%s]]></name>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " </program_client>\n");
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);
g_string_printf (st,
" <program_server_delay>%d</program_server_delay>\n",
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, " </client>\n");
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_string_printf (st, "</maitretarot>");
if (write_channel (chan, st, error))
return (-1);

g_io_channel_shutdown (chan, TRUE, &local_error);
if (local_error != NULL)
if (error)
error[0] = g_error_copy (local_error);
g_string_free (st, TRUE);
return (-1);

g_string_free (st, TRUE);
printf("Saved '%s'\n", config->config_file_name);
return (0);

config_print (config_t * config)
int i;
printf ("\n==========================================\n"
"Dump of config_t structure\n"
printf ("gui_host_name = '%s'\n", config->gui_host_name->str);
printf ("gui_port = '%d'\n", config->gui_port);
printf ("gui_player_name = '%s'\n", config->gui_player_name->str);
printf ("gui_geometry = '%s'\n", config->gui_geometry->str);
printf ("gui_layout_bg_color = '%s'\n", config->gui_layout_bg_color->str);
printf ("gui_taker_bid_color = '%s'\n", config->gui_taker_bid_color->str);
printf ("gui_other_bid_color = '%s'\n", config->gui_other_bid_color->str);
printf ("gui_command_server_delay = '%d'\n",

printf ("gui_card_ascendant_order = '%s'\n",
config->gui_card_ascendant_order ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
printf ("gui_card_upper_order = '%s'\n",
config->gui_card_upper_order ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
printf ("\n");
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
printf ("gui_command[%d].command = '%s'\n", i,
printf ("\n");
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
printf ("gui_card_sort_value[%d] = '%d'\n", i,
printf ("==========================================\n");

DeNayGo 11-16-2006 03:11 AM

Yeah, on Windows there is native support for resources (like program icons, or any other type of file). On Linux it's somewhat different. Basically, if you want to use a text file or a picture in a program you can simply write it into a variable. That can be complicated if you want to save binary data, but luckily there are some programs that can do that for you, such as the Qt Resource Compiler. I think it's practical to use resources if you are building an application that is meant to run on different operating systems, and you'd need to use different paths for pictures and other data you want to access. If you are only programming for Linux you shouldn't use it (you have to consider that a program is completely loaded into RAM when it is started, so if you have, say, a sound or movie file you want to use in your application, but you don't _always_ need it, it's the better choice to put it in a seperate file, so it only gets loaded when it's really needed).

And then there is open source. People like myself who are completely convinced of open source will always prefer seperate files since they can be used otherwise, too, or changed (without recompiling the program).

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