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upaliwal 09-09-2016 03:16 AM

fortran run time error
When I run gnubands.exe program then find following error on terminal of cygwin:

hp@jks /cygdrive/f/siesta-4.1-b1/util/bands
$ ./gnubands si_bandpoints.bands > up.dat

At line 143 of file gnubands.f90 (unit = 100, file = 'si_bandpoints.bands')
Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 1 in list input


the line 143 making problem is in gnubands.f90 is

read(bands_u,*) nband, nspin, nk

kindly suggest the possible answer

NevemTeve 09-09-2016 04:25 AM

You could drop a link to this "gnubands", I couldn't tell if it is something or goes somewhere.

upaliwal 09-09-2016 04:27 AM

how to attach a file in post kindly tell me

NevemTeve 09-09-2016 04:31 AM

There is a [Go Advanced] button, if you press it you get another screen with more options, including attachments.
Also you can simply paste URLs

Is the problem in your own Fortran program, or in some component you downloaded from the net?

upaliwal 09-09-2016 04:32 AM

the gnubands.f90 file is

! Copyright (C) 1996-2016 The SIESTA group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
! or
! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.

program gnubands
! Processes a "SystemLabel.bands" file to produce a data file suitable for
! plotting by Gnuplot
! This is an update of the venerable "gnubands.f" program, adding options
! to specify a subset of the bands contained in the .bands file, select
! spin, and more.
! A. Garcia, May 2012, 2015
! See also the "fatbands" functionality provided by the program "fat" in
! directory Util/COOP and the program "eigfat2plot" in this directory.
! Updated to be able to extract an energy range and automatic Ef shift
! Bugfix for max_bands. It was required that one supplied the -B
! option, else it was not set.
! Nick Papior, April 2013, 2016

use m_getopts
use f2kcli

implicit none

integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(10,100)

integer :: nk, nspin, nband, ik, is, ib
integer :: min_spin, max_spin

real(dp), allocatable :: e(:,:,:), k(:)
real(dp) :: ef, kmin, kmax, emin, emax
real(dp) :: dummy, delta

integer :: spin_idx
integer :: min_band = 1
integer :: max_band = huge(1)
logical :: min_band_set = .false.
logical :: max_band_set = .false.

integer :: bands_u = 100 ! Some compilers use 1 for special things
integer :: n_opts, iostat, nargs, nlabels
character(len=132) :: opt_name, opt_arg
character(len=132) :: bandfile, outfile
integer :: iout, gnuout
integer :: nbands
logical :: add_new_line, gnu_ticks
logical :: Fermi_shift, emin_set, emax_set

! Number of lines
integer :: nlines
real(dp), allocatable :: listk(:)
character(len=8), allocatable :: labels(:)

Fermi_shift = .false.
emin_set = .false.
emax_set = .false.
spin_idx = 0
gnu_ticks = .false.
! Define output
iout = 6
gnuout = 0
outfile = ' '

! Process options
n_opts = 0
call getopts('hb:GB:Fe:E:o:s:',opt_name,opt_arg,n_opts,iostat)
if (iostat /= 0) exit
select case(opt_name)
case ('G')
gnu_ticks = .true.
case ('s')
read(opt_arg,*) spin_idx
case ('F')
Fermi_shift = .true.
case ('e')
emin_set = .true.
read(opt_arg,*) emin
case ('E')
emax_set = .true.
read(opt_arg,*) emax
case ('b')
read(opt_arg,*) min_band
min_band_set = .true.
case ('B')
read(opt_arg,*) max_band
max_band_set = .true.
case ('o')
outfile = opt_arg
gnuout = 6
iout = 123
case ('h')
call manual()
case ('?',':')
write(0,*) "Invalid option: ", opt_arg(1:1)
call manual()
end select

nargs = command_argument_count()
nlabels = nargs - n_opts + 1
if (nlabels == 0) then
! Reads in from pipe
bands_u = 5
else if (nlabels == 1) then
call get_command_argument(n_opts,value=bandfile,status=iostat)
if (iostat /= 0) then
STOP "Cannot get bands file"
end if
else if (nlabels /= 1) then
call manual()
end if

! If the file-unit is now std-in, then we should open the file
if ( bands_u /= 5 ) then
open(bands_u,file=trim(bandfile), &
end if

read(bands_u,*) ef
read(bands_u,*) kmin, kmax
if ( emin_set .and. emax_set ) then
read(bands_u,*) dummy, dummy
else if ( emin_set ) then
read(bands_u,*) dummy, emax
else if ( emax_set ) then
read(bands_u,*) emin, dummy
read(bands_u,*) emin, emax
end if
read(bands_u,*) nband, nspin, nk
min_spin = 1
max_spin = nspin
if ( spin_idx /= 0 ) then
if ( spin_idx < 1 .and. nspin < spin_idx ) then
write(0,"(a)") " ** Selected spin does not exist..."
end if
min_spin = spin_idx
max_spin = spin_idx
end if

if (min_band_set .and. (min_band < 1)) then
write(0,"(a)") " ** Min_band implicitly reset to 1..."
min_band = 1
if (min_band_set .and. (min_band > nband)) then
write(0,"(a,2i5)") " ** Min_band is too large (min_band, nband):", min_band, nband
if ( max_band > nband ) then
if ( max_band_set ) then
write(0,"(a,2i5)") " ** Max_band is too large (max_band, nband):", max_band, nband
write(0,"(a)") " ** Max_band will be effectively reset to its maximum allowed value"
end if
max_band = nband
if (max_band_set .and. (max_band < max(1,min_band))) then
write(0,"(a,2i5)") " ** Max_band is less than min_band: (max_band, eff min_band):", &
max_band, max(1,min_band)


read(bands_u,*) (k(ik),((e(ib,is,ik),ib=1,nband), is=1,nspin), ik=1,nk)

! Read in optional strings for the band lines
if ( gnu_ticks ) then
read(bands_u,*,iostat=is) nlines
if ( nlines > 0 ) then
! Errors in reading the ticks
write(0,'(a)') '*** Could not read number of labels used for GNUplot...'
gnu_ticks = .false.
end if
end if
if ( gnu_ticks ) then
do ik = 1 , nlines
read(bands_u,*,iostat=is) listk(ik), labels(ik)
end do
end if

! We can not close std-in
if ( bands_u /= 5 ) then
end if

if ( Fermi_shift ) then
e = e - ef
end if

nbands = max_band - min_band + 1

if ( iout /= 6 ) then
! open output file(s)
open( iout, file = trim(outfile), &
status='replace', action='write')
is = index(outfile, '.')
if ( is == 0 ) then
! just make gnuout the default
is = len_trim(outfile) + 1
end if
if ( gnu_ticks ) &
open( gnuout, file = outfile(1:is-1)//'.gplot', &
status='replace', action='write')
end if

write(iout,"(2a)") '# GNUBANDS: Utility for SIESTA to transform ', &
'bands output into Gnuplot format'
write(iout,"(a)") '#'
write(iout,"(2a)") '# ', &
' Emilio Artacho, Feb. 1999'
write(iout,"(2a)") '# ', &
' Alberto Garcia, May 2012'
write(iout,"(2a)") '# ', &
'Nick Papior, April 2013, July 2016'
write(iout,"(2a)") '# ------------------------------------------', &
if ( spin_idx > 0 ) then
write(iout,"(a,i0)") '# Only bands for spin ',spin_idx
else if ( nspin > 1 ) then
write(iout,"(a)") '# Bands for all spins'
end if
if ( Fermi_shift ) then
write(iout,"(a,2(tr1,f10.4))") '# E_F / orig = ', 0._dp, Ef
write(iout,"(a,f10.4)") '# E_F = ', Ef
end if
write(iout,"(a,2f10.4)") '# k_min, k_max = ', kmin, kmax
write(iout,"(a,2f10.4)") '# E_min, E_max = ', emin, emax
write(iout,"(a,3i6)") '# Nbands, Nspin, Nk = ', nband, nspin, nk
write(iout,"(a,2i6)") '# Using min_band, max_band = ', min_band, max_band
write(iout,"(a,i6)") '# Total number of bands = ', nbands
write(iout,"(a)") '#'
write(iout,"(a)") '# k E'
write(iout,"(2a,/)") '# ------------------------------------------', &

delta = 1.0e-5_dp
do is = min_spin, max_spin
do ib = min_band, max_band
add_new_line = .false.
do ik = 1 , nk
! We will only write out in an energy range
if ( emin-delta <= e(ib,is,ik) .and. e(ib,is,ik) <= emax+delta ) then
add_new_line = .true.
! write spin variable to differentiate
write(iout,"(2f14.6,i3)") k(ik), e(ib,is,ik), is
end if
end do
! If the energy range has no contribution of this
! band, then do not add new-lines
if ( add_new_line ) write(iout,'(/)')
end do
end do

if ( gnu_ticks ) then
! Print out the tick-marks on stderr
write(gnuout,'(a)',advance='no') 'set xtics ('
do ik = 1 , nlines
write(gnuout,'(a,tr1,f9.6)',advance='no') &
'"'//trim(labels(ik))//'"', listk(ik)
if ( ik < nlines ) write(gnuout,'(a)',advance='no') ', '
end do
write(gnuout,'(a)') ')'
if ( iout /= 6 ) then
write(gnuout,'(3a)') 'plot "',trim(outfile),'" using 1:2:3 with lines lc variable'
write(gnuout,'(a)') 'plot "bands.dat" using 1:2:3 with lines lc variable'
end if
write(gnuout,'(a)') '# -- Use line below for single-color'
if ( iout /= 6 ) then
write(gnuout,'(3a)') '#plot "',trim(outfile),'" with lines'
write(gnuout,'(a)') 'plot "bands.dat" using 1:2:3 with lines lc variable'
end if
end if


subroutine manual()
write(0,'(a)') ' Usage: gnubands [options] [bandsfile|PIPE]'
write(0,*) ! new line
write(0,'(a)') ' bandsfile : SystemLabel.bands'
write(0,'(a)') ' PIPE : < SystemLabel.bands'
write(0,*) ! new line
write(0,'(a)') ' Options:'
write(0,*) ! new line
write(0,'(a)') ' -h : print help'
write(0,'(a)') ' -G : print GNUplot commands for correct labels to stderr'
write(0,'(a)') ' Suggested usage: prog options 2> bands.gplot 1> bands.dat'
write(0,'(a)') ' gnubands [options] 1> bands.dat 2> bands.gplot'
write(0,'(a)') ' and then:'
write(0,'(a)') ' gnuplot -persist bands.gplot'
write(0,'(a)') ' -s arg : only plot selected spin bands [1,nspin]'
write(0,'(a)') ' -F : shift energy to Fermi-level'
write(0,'(a)') ' -b arg : first band to write'
write(0,'(a)') ' -B arg : last band to write'
write(0,'(a)') ' -e arg : minimum energy to write'
write(0,'(a)') ' : If -F set, will be with respect'
write(0,'(a)') ' : to Fermi level'
write(0,'(a)') ' -E arg : maximum energy to write'
write(0,'(a)') ' : Note, see -e'
write(0,'(a)') ' -o file : specify output file (instead of piping)'
write(0,'(a)') ' : if used with -G a file name file.gplot will be created'

end subroutine manual

end program gnubands
the si_bandpoints.bands file is

-15.946367221481440 55.440693710210319
26 1 3
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -15.9464 -4.0603 -4.0603 -4.0572 -1.5607 -1.5475 -1.5475 -0.5882
4.1943 4.1943 7.8506 7.8633 7.8633 9.4111 21.8867 21.8867
21.8914 22.8864 22.8864 33.6586 38.5628 38.5686 38.5686 44.8605
44.8605 44.8618
0.61232 0.00000 0.00000 -11.9645 -11.9552 -7.0392 -7.0377 -3.4311 -3.4204 5.9627 5.9726
7.6387 7.6419 8.9352 8.9404 9.1699 9.1735 17.4694 17.4724
18.6768 18.6793 19.7462 19.7476 28.0790 28.0841 41.9624 41.9645
50.3109 50.3719
0.61232 0.30616 0.00000 -11.7928 -11.7830 -8.0617 -8.0610 0.2518 0.2568 0.9522 0.9651
6.8004 6.8064 9.3229 9.3241 14.6616 14.6666 15.7178 15.7239
17.9836 17.9918 21.9271 21.9346 26.5364 26.5439 41.4603 41.4831
55.4118 55.4407

upaliwal 09-09-2016 04:34 AM

the gnubands.f90, gnubands.exe, si_bandpoints.bands and makefile is attached

NevemTeve 09-09-2016 04:50 AM

No, they aren't attached, they are just pasted in. Please edit your post and add [code] and [/code] tags.

Also you could answer this question: "Is the problem in your own Fortran program, or in some component you downloaded from the net?"

upaliwal 09-09-2016 04:56 AM

3 Attachment(s)
now i have attetched the three files in txt format
kindly open with notepad++ or any other suitable editor as in notepad (ms-windows) it appears not in format

upaliwal 09-09-2016 05:18 AM

my fortran compiler is ok

NevemTeve 09-09-2016 05:27 AM

Cannot compile due to lack of 'm_getopts.mod'
Luckily, I've found it:

upaliwal 09-09-2016 05:31 AM

the m_getopts.mod file is already present in the folder so this is not the reason

NevemTeve 09-09-2016 05:52 AM

Okay, no thanks to your help, I could build the program and reproduce the problem.

$ ./gnubands si_bandpoints.bands
At line 143 of file gnubands.f90 (unit = 100, file = 'si_bandpoints.bands')
Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 1 in list input

I think it is clear that the input file-format is bad. It would be better if the line-number was known...

It seems that the program wishes to read three integer values from line#4 of the input file:

  132    read(bands_u,*) ef
  133    read(bands_u,*) kmin, kmax
  134    if ( emin_set .and. emax_set ) then
  135      read(bands_u,*) dummy, dummy
  136    else if ( emin_set ) then
  137      read(bands_u,*) dummy, emax
  138    else if ( emax_set ) then
  139      read(bands_u,*) emin, dummy
  140    else
  141      read(bands_u,*) emin, emax
  142    end if
  143    read(bands_u,*) nband, nspin, nk

NevemTeve 09-09-2016 06:04 AM

That means values for E_min and E_max are missing from the file:

ef              -3.7998883470377001
kmin kmax        -15.946367221481440        55.440693710210319
emin emax        !missing from the file!
nband nspin nk  26          1          3

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