I'm trying to compile a program fortran but saw it in my shell:
Fortran compiling _i686-pc-linux-gnu-.F using flags -O3 -fast-math and extra objects/libs /home/guest/HEN_HOUSE/lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu-/egos_c_utilise.o /home/guest/HEN_HOUSE/lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu-/load_utilise.o -ladle
In file _i686-pc-linux-gnu-.F:12826
YMIN = SIGN(1.,Y(1)) * 1.E-5 * YMIN
Error: 'b' argument of 'sign' intrinsic at (1) must be the same type and kind as 'a'
anybody could say me
what should i do to resolve it?