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Old 06-02-2024, 04:56 PM   #1
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Smile Coding Debian based or at least Ubuntu: how can I not need a repo and distribute on my terms and store?


Okay, I am trying for a way to program Linux including Ubuntu and maybe some others in something other than C or a compiles to it like Python. Feel free to ignore this if you have no prior experience in making .deb's or snaps. I also would prefer not to need a public repo or to need a specific not my store to distribute. I have heard that Rust can make snap packages. I can program in basically anything but just cannot figure a way to make an app natively. So far Rust is only thing that shows promise of being workable for this. I have read about all I can find on this matter but still can't figure how to make a native Linux app.


If it helps, I might try for a sense all app and be developing on an upgraded Lenovo Thinkpad T460 with Ubuntu Pro desktop 22.04.4 LTS. Any suggestions? Is .deb or snap right for me or should I try something else? I already make cross platform stuff so that is not needed. I prefer but can do without raw form of developing stuff. Also, I was confused exactly how to connect in things, specifically how to know what API my code has to deal with once I put in my configs exactly what to connect to what. I am trying for at least a native Linux app I can use and test on like my machine without like having to re-install or install over existing installation. X E.

Last edited by maybeJosiah; 06-02-2024 at 05:37 PM. Reason: Snap not .deb has Rust, can either do?
Old 06-02-2024, 05:07 PM   #2
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Found this area of stuff, new to me, probably this is it and I was reading old documents. X E.
Old 06-02-2024, 05:11 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by maybeJosiah View Post
Okay, I am trying for a way to program Linux including Ubuntu and maybe some others in something other than C or a compiles to it like Python. Feel free to ignore this if you have no prior experience in making .deb's. I also would prefer not to need a public repo or to need a specific store to distribute. I have heard that Rust can make .deb packages. I can program in basically anything but just cannot figure a way to make an app natively. So far Rust is only thing that shows promise of being workable for this. I have read about all I can find on this matter but still can't figure how to make a native Linux app.


If it helps, I might try for a sense all app and be developing on an upgraded Lenovo Thinkpad T460 with Ubuntu Pro desktop 22.04.4 LTS. Any suggestions? Is .deb right for me or should I try something else? I already make cross platform stuff so that is not needed. I prefer but can do without raw form of developing stuff. Also, I was confused exactly how to connect in things, specifically how to know what API my code has to deal with once I put in my configs exactly what to connect to what. I am trying for at least a native Linux app I can use and test on like my machine without like having to re-install or install over existing installation. X E.
So to sum up:
  1. You claim to be able to program in 'basically anything'
  2. You claim to already be able to 'make cross platform stuff'
  3. You mention C, Python and Rust specifially.
  4. You claim to have 'read about all' you could find on making an application (???)
A "Linux app" is a program...which you claim to be able to code in just about anything; where is the problem, exactly??? You mention how to 'connect in things', but don't bother telling us what you want to connect, how, over what, to what.

Did you try putting "how to create a .deb package on Ubuntu" into any search engine???

...because it appears you don't know what a .deb package even IS, nor that you know how to create a program at all. Write whatever program/code you want in whatever language you have a compiler for; can even be as simple as a shell script. Follow the easily-found directions on how to create an installable package, then you can INSTALL IT with the same package manager you already know how to use.

Hard to know how someone 'experienced' with coding in about any language is unclear on what a program is, and that you can't do basic research first (per the LQ Question Guidelines), before posting. Don't appear to have done so, given this post.
Old 06-02-2024, 05:23 PM   #4
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Great, it is in Python, I skimmed those docs, anything else I could make a native app with?
Old 06-02-2024, 05:25 PM   #5
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Yes I did, I know what a .deb is, I can create cross platform not natively running stuff, basically like an internet browser is, JS is never native. X E.
Old 06-02-2024, 05:29 PM   #6
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That documentation you cited does not have anything about actual source code and why do I need to publish my email etc.?
Old 06-02-2024, 05:32 PM   #7
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Actually I think I tried to make a snap last time and could not but found Rust was possible to use and now Python is about all I can find for .deb files, should this be deleted because snaps REQUIRE using their store seemingly? Sorry, yes I tried, I failed rather miserably, if anyone knows this stuff please help someone. X E.
Old 06-02-2024, 05:38 PM   #8
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Edited original because I found maybe just maybe I could make a not public and not in official snap store snap. .deb seems to be out, all Python, and snaps, is it even possible to have a like private repo snap and own store for snap like I originally asked? Also, I was trying for distribute on like my own app store as a package I can just download to a user's computer from a web server. I would prefer having a merchant of record processing solution so normal snap store is out maybe. I asked and it can't figure this out. Anyway, trying for something I could distribute on a custom app store that just downloads it to users with they may install it, can it be done? X E.

Last edited by maybeJosiah; 06-02-2024 at 05:52 PM. Reason: add info, not another post. X E.
Old 06-02-2024, 06:22 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by maybeJosiah View Post
Great, it is in Python, I skimmed those docs, anything else I could make a native app with?
Did you read or understand what you were told before???
Originally Posted by maybejosiah
That documentation you cited does not have anything about actual source code and why do I need to publish my email etc.?
You *WRITE THE SOURCE CODE*..that is the program you claim to be able to write in just about any language. And if you got that you 'need to' publish your email from anything you read, you didn't read it carefully or didn't understand it. Try again.
Originally Posted by maybejosiah
Actually I think I tried to make a snap last time and could not but found Rust was possible to use and now Python is about all I can find for .deb files, should this be deleted because snaps REQUIRE using their store seemingly? Sorry, yes I tried, I failed rather miserably, if anyone knows this stuff please help someone. X E.
Saying "I failed" doesn't tell us anything, so how do you expect anyone to help??? You asked about how to make a .deb were told how, given commands and how-to guides. Either read them and actually DO something, or there isn't a point in asking.
Originally Posted by maybejosiah
Edited original because I found maybe just maybe I could make a not public and not in official snap store snap. .deb seems to be out, all Python, and snaps, is it even possible to have a like private repo snap and own store for snap like I originally asked? Also, I was trying for distribute on like my own app store as a package I can just download to a user's computer from a web server. I would prefer having a merchant of record processing solution so normal snap store is out maybe. I asked and it can't figure this out. Anyway, trying for something I could distribute on a custom app store that just downloads it to users with they may install it, can it be done? X E.
Are you serious???? Did you not bother to read what you were told??? Do you just not pay attention, or are you trolling this site at this point???

  1. Write your program in whatever language you want; you claim to know many, so PICK ONE
  2. Follow the directions that (for some reason) had to be looked up for you and spoon-fed to you, on how to make a .deb package
That's it. You somehow think that someone can install a package BEFORE they download it??? That this magical package will somehow show up on their system and when they install it, it will DOWNLOAD ITSELF from your 'custom app store'??? Once you make a .deb package, it contains EVERYTHING it needs to install the software it contains.

Again: it appears you don't know how to write a program, or that you even have an idea of what a program IS, to be honest. You mention rust and python, and seem to ignore the fact that AGAIN (as you were told) you can write this mystery program in any language. And as you've been told numerous times, this "X E."/maybe garbage is plain annoying, and you were asked to stop.
Old 06-02-2024, 06:30 PM   #10
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Yes I read all that, I did pay attention, nothing says how to make something in other than Python (.deb). Snaps I cannot find how to keep on my computer and yes they will have to be downloaded, no not from Snap store, own store with a custom payment processor and tax thing. Trying for packaging like I can just download to a user and have them install. X E.

Last edited by maybeJosiah; 06-02-2024 at 06:31 PM.
Old 06-02-2024, 06:43 PM   #11
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For you just finding this, like my only hope at making a native app as I try for is probably a snap but how to make a local one and distribute as .snap files or what? I hear .snap can be installed as a snap package but how can I keep making one local? X E.
Old 06-02-2024, 07:15 PM   #12
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Packaging is tricky, but anything can be packaged. Besides docs of course, for packaging in deb format you may be able to find help in #packaging on oftc.

Lots of people distribute stuff outside of official repositories and app stores. You could host it on a website, or something like github, etc. Lots of github repos provide binary releases, sometimes in a tarball that anyone can use (which is the simplest for you to distribute), and some go to the effort of packaging in various formats, such as deb, rpm, etc. Snap is one format I don't think I've seen people distribute outside of snap store tho.

As an example, check out and click on assets - note how many formats they distribute it in, and note deb/rpm/appimage at the bottom.
They likely setup github to automatically build & package for them, as they also provide nightly builds in all those same formats too.

freetube-0.20.0-linux-portable-arm64.7z 65.9 MB 2024-04-03T20:15:29Z 95.9 MB 2024-04-03T20:15:27Z
freetube-0.20.0-linux-portable-armv7l.7z 64.7 MB 2024-04-03T20:14:42Z 86.7 MB 2024-04-03T20:14:39Z
freetube-0.20.0-linux-portable-x64.7z 63.9 MB 2024-04-03T20:15:54Z 95.9 MB 2024-04-03T20:15:49Z
freetube-0.20.0-mac-x64.7z 66.7 MB 2024-04-03T20:14:22Z
freetube-0.20.0-mac-x64.dmg 96.3 MB 2024-04-03T20:14:14Z 93 MB 2024-04-03T20:14:18Z
freetube-0.20.0-setup-arm64.exe 77.8 MB 2024-04-03T20:16:28Z
freetube-0.20.0-setup-x64.exe 74.4 MB 2024-04-03T20:16:26Z
freetube-0.20.0-win-arm64-portable.7z 71 MB 2024-04-03T20:16:34Z
freetube-0.20.0-win-arm64-portable.exe 77.6 MB 2024-04-03T20:16:36Z 102 MB 2024-04-03T20:16:30Z
freetube-0.20.0-win-x64-portable.7z 67.4 MB 2024-04-03T20:16:31Z
freetube-0.20.0-win-x64-portable.exe 74.2 MB 2024-04-03T20:16:34Z 101 MB 2024-04-03T20:16:28Z
freetube_0.20.0_amd64.AppImage 101 MB 2024-04-03T20:15:44Z
freetube_0.20.0_amd64.deb 70.5 MB 2024-04-03T20:15:58Z
freetube_0.20.0_amd64.rpm 70.6 MB 2024-04-03T20:16:01Z
freetube_0.20.0_arm64.deb 66.3 MB 2024-04-03T20:15:31Z
freetube_0.20.0_arm64.rpm 66.1 MB 2024-04-03T20:15:34Z
freetube_0.20.0_armv7l.deb 64.8 MB 2024-04-03T20:14:44Z
Source code (zip)2024-04-03T20:09:15Z
Source code (tar.gz)

Last edited by enigma9o7; 06-02-2024 at 07:17 PM.
Old 06-02-2024, 07:19 PM   #13
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Nice, anyway, I found flatpak is much easier and it has wider support and is "agnostic" when it comes to programming languages. It can still be installed though so close enough to native. Problem solved sort of. Flatpak does require some install steps but hey, native app, solved. X E.
Old 06-02-2024, 07:20 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by maybeJosiah View Post
Yes I read all that, I did pay attention, nothing says how to make something in other than Python (.deb).
You obviously didn't, and you're lying about it. Because neither of the links you were spoon-fed have ANY mention of Python, and I have no idea what you're going on about with "Python (.deb)". A .deb is like a .rpm...a PACKAGE, containing programs/scripts/files/libraries/whatever-you-want. And **AGAIN**, all of that's explained and well documented.
Originally Posted by maybejosiah
because Snaps I cannot find how to keep on my computer and yes they will have to be downloaded, no not from Snap store, own store with a custom payment processor and tax thing. Trying for packaging like I can just download to a user and have them install. X E.
You don't 'download to a user', and I highly doubt you are going to write anything that anyone would actually pay for, if you cannot follow basic instructions or do a minimum of research. You seem unclear on very basic concepts, and if you want to distribute whatever you write, use a package like .deb or .rpm, and maybe someone will fall for it.
Originally Posted by maybejosiah
For you just finding this, like my only hope at making a native app as I try for is probably a snap but how to make a local one and distribute as .snap files or what? I hear .snap can be installed as a snap package but how can I keep making one local? X E.
AGAIN: a 'native app' can be written in pretty much any programming language; you claim to be an 'expert' and have the ability to 'program in pretty much anything'. Do you not understand the basic concept of what a program is???

And a snap file can be installed locally...again, do you actually pay attention or do any research??? You want to create a .snap, that starts with you *WRITING A PROGRAM IN ANY LANGUAGE YOU WANT*. Want to distribute?? Then you put it in the snap store; again, don't expect people to keep looking things up for you if you lack the capacity or drive to do it yourself.

Last edited by TB0ne; 06-02-2024 at 07:21 PM.
Old 06-02-2024, 07:24 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by maybeJosiah View Post
Nice, anyway, I found flatpak is much easier and it has wider support and is "agnostic" when it comes to programming languages. It can still be installed though so close enough to native. Problem solved sort of. Flatpak does require some install steps but hey, native app, solved. X E.
And .rpm, .deb, and snap are also 'agnostic' for programming languages...again, it is nothing but a PACKAGE. And it's not 'native', since you then are required to install flatpack (like snap) to get things to work. Any 'install steps' are installing the package.

And AGAIN, as you've been told many times, this "X E." garbage is just plain annoying, and you've been asked to stop by many. And you keep doing it, and somehow expect people here to keep giving you help. That you promptly ignore or don't actually understand.

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deb, deb package, develop, developer, linux, program, programing, ubuntu

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