Why stray from bash. Using SED really isn't a big deal is it?
Not sure I follow? If you use sed that your script is not strictly all bash but using an external command. The pros and cons are around whether or not it is more expedient to use sed and in this case I do not believe so.
As to your questions:
- Are you saying I can source the settings file no matter what style my configuration scripts are and what the program is?
What do you mean by style?
Are the scripts you are calling bash scripts, if so then yes source away
- Would it impact my performance since I am linking my settings to another file or would they just be loaded into memory.
The overhead would only really be if the location of the file prevented you sourcing it when needed, ie on a network connection that has yet to be connected
- What about being accessible by all different user accounts, would I have to duplicate the file in each users directory?
Well this would be a question for you, ie your example uses a USER variable, is this related to the user logged in or will it be the same user for all?