A company I work for contracted a website out from a third party. The website was delivered to me on disk, and I was to put it on the webservers. The catch is, our webservers only understand ASP based on Perl, and they wrote it in ASP based on VBScript. I'd like some help transfering it over.
Here's the main page:
Dim menuStick : menuStick = "HOME"
<!-- #include file="includes/meta.asp" -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/claw.css">
<script language="javascript" src="js/claw.js"></script>
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% height=100% id="Table1">
<td colspan=2 valign=top><!-- #include file="includes/header.asp" --></td>
The meta.asp include doesn't have any VBScript in it, but the header.asp does. Here it is...
<td background="images/top_right_bottom.gif">
<img border="0" src="images/top_right_bottom.gif" width="137"></td>
<td><img src="images/btn_spacer.gif"></td>
If menuStick <> "HOME" Then
<td><a href="default.asp" onmouseover="highlighter('home','over')"
onmousedown="highlighter('home','down')" onmouseout="highlighter('home','')">
<img border="0" src="images/buttons/btn_home_up.gif" width="56"
height="20" name="home" alt="Home"> </a> </td>
<td><img border="0" src="images/buttons/btn_home_down.gif"
width="56" height="20" name="home" alt="Home"></td>
End If
<td><img src="images/btn_spacer.gif"></td>
I've tried to bold the ASP parts. The code isn't too complicated, so I thought it wouldn't be to hard to convert it over to Perl, yet I keep running into problems. If anyone can help me with this bit of code, I think I can do the rest by my self.
Also, as an aside, would converting it all to PHP be a better solution? (Note, even if it is, I would still like an answer to my main question. My boss may not let me use PHP.)
Thanks for your help.