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Old 11-27-2005, 03:00 PM   #1
Registered: May 2005
Location: Cluj, Romania
Distribution: Fedora Core 6
Posts: 226

Rep: Reputation: 31
A problem with threads creates 300+ zombie processes

I have a problem with 4 threads (I think it doesn't matter what I'm trying to do) and for each thread I call pthread_join. My problem is it makes 300+ zombie processes and after the program finishes, I have no more zombie processes, so I suppose it kills all of them somehow. The point is the problem works fine on my computer, but I'm a student and this is one of my homeworks, and I have to show this problem to a teacher at school, and I know we have there a 100 processes limit, and it won't work there.
In my thread function I call a popen like this:
    strcpy (s, "ps -axuf 2>/dev/null | grep ");
    strcat (s, a->nume_user);
    f = popen (s, "r");
I know it's not recommended to redirect the standard output or error and to make pipe linking within a popen, but I did it before and it worked fine. Could it be this? Do you have any idea why this happens?

Last edited by zahadumy; 11-27-2005 at 08:15 PM.
Old 11-27-2005, 08:15 PM   #2
Registered: May 2005
Location: Cluj, Romania
Distribution: Fedora Core 6
Posts: 226

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 31
Problem solved. This happened because I forgot this:


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