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Old 04-12-2005, 08:26 AM   #1
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A good simple text display widget in GTK (not Label)

I am looking for a simple text display widget in GTK2 that will easily display the numbers in a calculator application that I'm creating.

I tried using GtkLabel. Too simple. I cannot set text and background colour for this widget.

I tried using GtkTextView. Here I could set the text and background colour, but too complex. I don't need a full editor where I cannot easily set/retrieve the text values.

I tried using GtkEntry. Here it is easy to use, but I cannot set the alignment to right (which is a prerequisite for displaying a calculator view.

Is there any other widget which I can use which I can:

1. Set the text and retrieve it with one simple function call.
2. Set the background and text colour?
3. Will have an option to text align right?

Old 04-12-2005, 10:42 AM   #2
Harmaa Kettu
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I tried using GtkLabel. Too simple. I cannot set text and background colour for this widget.
You can! Put the label into a GtkEventBox and use gtk_widget_modify_* -functions on the eventbox.

I tried using GtkEntry. Here it is easy to use, but I cannot set the alignment to right (which is a prerequisite for displaying a calculator view.
There is gtk_entry_set_alignment(), but it requires gtk 2.4 or newer.
Old 04-12-2005, 10:14 PM   #3
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Thank you, Harmaa Kettu, for the tip with regard to GtkEntry. It works now.
Old 05-18-2006, 05:44 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Question GtkEntry

Originally Posted by Harishankar
I am looking for a simple text display widget in GTK2 that will easily display the numbers in a calculator application that I'm creating.

I tried using GtkLabel. Too simple. I cannot set text and background colour for this widget.

I tried using GtkTextView. Here I could set the text and background colour, but too complex. I don't need a full editor where I cannot easily set/retrieve the text values.

I tried using GtkEntry. Here it is easy to use, but I cannot set the alignment to right (which is a prerequisite for displaying a calculator view.

Is there any other widget which I can use which I can:

1. Set the text and retrieve it with one simple function call.
2. Set the background and text colour?
3. Will have an option to text align right?

I will set the color in a GtkEntry, but under SuSE 9.3 with KDE does not work.
My sourcecode:
entry = gtk_entry_new();
gtk_box_pack_start_defaults( GTK_BOX(vbox), GTK_WIDGET(entry));
gtk_entry_set_text( GTK_ENTRY(entry), "Zweites Editfeld" );
gdk_color_parse("red", &color);
gtk_widget_modify_text(entry, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);


Who can help me? Thanks


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