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Angel2953 01-02-2012 02:46 AM

[perl] array of files: remove specific ext

I have a problem cause i have an array of files and dirs:

my @files = (

first what i need is to remove all items that are dirs and then group rest of the files into their own arrays. So i though about function that takes 2 params: 1. array to scan, 2. ext to filter and returns filtered array... And now how to implement that. I mean how to iterate throught array and remove some elements based on a filer...

perfect_circle 01-02-2012 06:29 AM

you can easily iterate over the array and create a new array that only hosts the files like this:


foreach $file (@files) {
        if ( -f $file ) {
                push(@no_dirs, $file);

The new @no_dirs array will not contain any directory.

Cedrik 01-02-2012 06:51 PM

You can also use grep perl function to select files with specific extension, like:


my @files = (

# put all files with .ext1 extension in @ext1 array
my @ext1 = grep {/\.ext1$/} @files;

# see the result
print "$_\n" for @ext1;

# or remove all files with .ext1 extension
my @noext1 = grep {! /\.ext1$/} @files;

# see the result
print "$_\n" for @noext1;

# You can also use grep to remove dirs from list
my @just_files = grep { -f } @files;

# see result
print "$_\n" for @just_files;

# you can also combine more grep...
my @ext1_files = grep { /\.ext1$/ } grep { -f } @files;

# or simply:
my @ext1_files = grep { -f and /\.ext1$/ } @files;

# result should look like the same as with just greping .ext1 extension
# but the files existence is tested
print "$_\n" for @ext1_files;

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