If what you truly want is:
Originally Posted by w3stfa11
I want to find out if it was moved there after a certain day and time
then you may be disappointed. There are 3 times associated with files:
"When we are talking about file times we refer to three unix
file times:
Change time is defined as: "A change that modifies the
file system i-node". We can use the example of "chmod
a-w myfile" , "chown a-w myfile", etc.
Modification time is defined as: "A modification modifies
the contents of the file". We can use the example: echo
foobar >> myfile.
Access Time is defined as: "Access time is the last time
the file was read or written". Example: "more myfile".
-- excerpt from http://www.linuxpowered.com/html/editorials/ls.html
So it's read (atime), write (mtime), and change administrative data (ctime). There is nothing about a move that would cause any of those times of a file to be changed.
However, there may be a way to approximate the time. Because you moved something into a directory, and a directory is a special kind of file, the mtime of the directory would reflect the last time a change occurred there. The mtimes of the source and target directories would be the important times.
If the files were moved into the directory at the same time, and if you made
no subsequent changes to the directory, the time of the directory modification would be (about) the time of the move.
man ls for details on listing the different times of the directory, but it would look something like:
ls -ld directory-path
the mtime is the default listing; you need to specify more to get the access time and change time (atime, ctime).
Another possibility is if you created the files and moved them shortly afterward into the directory and made no other changes to the files, then the mtime of the files would be close to when you moved them.
Best wishes ... cheers, makyo
( edit 1: clarify )