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Old 10-17-2007, 11:38 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Why does my dial-up modem not have a dial tone on Mepis but does on Windows? (laptop)

Hello, I'm using a Sony Vaio Laptop originally distributed with Windows XP Home Edition installed on the hard-drive. Now I have a new hard-drive, but on the old drive I installed Freespire 1.4 over Windows XP Home. On XP Home the dial-up modem did work and I could connect to my ISP. Now that I have Freespire installed and I tell KPPP where the modem is (/dev/modem) and I go through that list, the modem doesn't respond to "Query Modem" on the choices on that list. If I've left anything important out please answer as best you can and/or ask me to explain better. Thanks for your help!

Last edited by spirobulldog2004; 10-28-2007 at 03:28 PM. Reason: I switched distros from Mepis to Freespire 1.4
Old 10-18-2007, 03:56 AM   #2
Larry Webb
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If you have another live cd you might give it a try and see if it will hookup. I had the problem and if I remember it was the driver.
Old 10-18-2007, 06:35 AM   #3
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it doesnt work with your modem, even tho its recognised...
try looking up the compatability list for your distro and check what driver is required by looking up your laptop model and see if they have any recommended distros for your board....
The result you are getting is quite normal for a modem thats not got the correct drivers or not fully compatable with your distro....
Old 10-21-2007, 06:08 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2004
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Originally Posted by spirobulldog2004 View Post
... On XP Home the dial-up modem did work and I could connect to my ISP. Now that I have Mepis installed it will not get a dial-tone...
Your MODEM does not need to produce or pass an audible dial-tone to work, and the lack of a dial-tone does not mean your MODEM is not working (could be on 'silent' mode).

Linux dial-up apps assume you do not want the noise passed through the MODEM.

If you must hear the noise... look for the dial-up pppd or kpppconfiguration file. Set M1 (noise on) and L3 (loudest noise). If you are in a hotel, hospital or office building which has its own exchange, and the standard dial tone is not available, use X3 (ignore dial tone) and commas (,) to pause before dialing.

Look for "No Dial Tone" errors to indicate that your MODEM is not seeing an active telephone line.

High-speed lines (cable, DSL, ADSL, ISDN) do not have a dial-tone.

Hmm... Is your telephone line DSL? If you have an analog MODEM, it will not work on DSL/ISDN...


To configure your PPP for noise in Mepis...

(the DIAL tab should be the current tab)
CONFIGURE >> NEW >> MANUAL SETUP >> (ISP name) >> ADD >> (enter ISP telephone) >> OK...
OK >> (select your ISP name) >> (enter password) >> CONNECT


Last edited by fpd; 10-27-2007 at 05:53 PM. Reason: forgot to add PPP info
Old 10-21-2007, 11:23 PM   #5
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Error in typing

error in typing. my post is below

Last edited by spirobulldog2004; 10-21-2007 at 11:31 PM.
Old 10-21-2007, 11:23 PM   #6
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Setting the record straight

Just so the rest of the repliers and as a reply to the previous post, I am very knowledgeable about computers and use them frequently. I am aware that you should wait to get an actual error message and that I did before I posted this thread. This is not an issue of me complaining about not hearing my "bells and whistles," Mepis actually gave me a "no dial tone" error.

And as a last note, Window's dial-up sounds are not simulated. When someone else is on the phone line and my computer attempts to dial out I can hear the conversation that's going on. Also if you dial the wrong number it gives you a ringing tone rather than the strange beeping noises normal to dialing an ISP.
Old 10-22-2007, 06:44 AM   #7
Larry Webb
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I don't think anyone is trying to insult you. We have no way of knowing your experience. Check your modem device settings such as ttyS0, you may need to change these. If its an internal pci modem it should be the ttyS options.
Old 10-27-2007, 05:45 PM   #8
Registered: Aug 2004
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Originally Posted by spirobulldog2004 View Post a reply to the previous post...
Sorry. In re-reading, it does seem off-color (editing some of it out). Still, it has been my experience that some "users" believe the sound is needed to make the MODEM work.

Physical connection: Check your telephone-line connection to your MODEM (plugged into "Line" [sine-wave symbol] and not "Phone" [telephone symbol]).

Dirt: Even if a telephone works on that line, your MODEM might have a bit of corrosion or dirt on the connector. Inspect both, remove obstructions and try again.

Hope this helps.
Old 10-28-2007, 02:39 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by spirobulldog2004 View Post
Hello, I'm using a Sony Vaio Laptop originally distributed with Windows XP Home Edition installed on the hard-drive. Now I have a new hard-drive, but on the old drive I installed Mepis over Windows XP Home. On XP Home the dial-up modem did work and I could connect to my ISP. Now that I have Mepis installed it will not get a dial-tone. The driver is installed correctly as it sees the name of the modem and does attempt to dial, it just gives me a message saying I have no dial-tone and then stops. If I've left anything important out please answer as best you can and/or ask me to explain better. Thanks for your help!
Presume you are running the 32-bit, but What version of SimplyMepis?

What modem is listed under Kinfo Center/PCI devices?

Old 10-28-2007, 03:25 PM   #10
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Update To Question

I have now switched distros. I am a new Linux user switching from Windows and I've been testing distros. Now I am using Freespire 1.4 and am still having the same problem. Now the issue is before I actually attempt to dial out. The problem is when I set up the modem. When I tell KPPP where the modem is "/dev/modem" I've gone up and down that list and on each one when I "Query Modem" the modem doesn't respond. Any suggestions? I've not tried every single one on the list so if/when I do I'll update this post again. I appreciate all your help! Sorry about the misunderstanding fpd
Old 10-28-2007, 05:35 PM   #11
Registered: Aug 2004
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Not if this will help with Freespire, but here's a MODEM issue with Mepis:


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