I did esc : but got the error message before wq
Thanks for replying here. I will expand on two other problems first then get back to the visudoers mess in mepis. I just registered for mepislovers but then was told that I could not write, edit or modify there only read. A big problem at mepislovers is there is no place for advanced users who are new to mepis. Advanced SM says for people advanced in mepis. Newbies is not right for people advanced in linux. I have also used vi to edit /etc/fstab so that I can mount the windows fat directory. But after I boot, I see that fstab is just like it was before I edited it. The esc:wq problem was in visudo. When I used vi it worked just fine. I can't figure out
what is wrong in fstab. I will try kwrite again.
Last edited by suguru; 12-19-2005 at 07:28 AM.