Originally Posted by Michael Warren
I have Mepis 8.5 & Ubuntu on hdc and Win Xp on hdd.
I either don't understand or don't believe "hdc" and "hdd". What do you mean by those names?
We need some solid info about the partition naming as seen by Linux in order to give you any useful instructions.
IIRC, the following command in Ubuntu is often recommended to get such info to post:
sudo /sbin/fdisk -l
Ubuntu and Mepis now reside together on hdc.
Which version of Ubuntu and did you notice whether it installed grub vs. grub2?
I was in hopes of not having to reinstall any of the OSes.
That should be pretty easy if Ubuntu is using grub and not too much harder if Ubuntu is using grub2.
In Ubuntu you should be able to mount the partition that contains the Mepis /boot directory. In Mepis's /boot/grub/menu.lst you can find a grub entry for starting the Mepis kernel.
If Ubuntu uses Grub, you just edit that entry into Ubuntu's /boot/grub/menu.lst.
If Ubuntu uses Grub2, hopefully someone with more grub2 experience will give you some guidance. I've read enough about grub2 to make some good guesses. But real experience is more accurate.
You can translate (very slight changes) the grub entry into a grub2 entry then edit it into one of the files that feeds the creation of the grub2 menu file, then rerun the program that rebuilds the grub2 menu file.
There are problem cases for the above. I can't imagine why yours would be a problem case, but the last time I helped someone with a grub2 issue was a problem case and I had no clue why. In a problem case, you could use the Mepis liveCD to install the Grub boot sector (that normally goes in the MBR) into the partition boot sector of Grub's partition. Then add an entry for Ubuntu's Grub2 to chainload Mepis's Grub from the partition boot sector. Alternately, you could put Grub2's boot sector in Ubuntu's partition's boot sector and reconnect Mepis's Grub to the MBR and chainload the other way.