I tried to install the ACPI from
http://acpi.sourceforge.net/download.html, but some of the commands on the download page didn't work for me.
The first part of the instructions, about verifying the signtaures, seemed to work, with no error messages.
For the "patch the kernel" section, I tried to cd to the directory it suggested, but MEPIS said I don't have that, so I put it somewhere else--the only subdirectories /usr/src had were /modules and /rpm . So I cd'd to modules, because I really had no idea where else to put it. (Nope, I don't know what I'm doing here. I just want my machine to be able to hibernate, so I was aping the instructions on this page.)
Then I entered the bunzip command from the instructions. I didn't comprehend any of the output, but there didn't seem to be any error messages here, either.
I got hung up on "make menuconfig." It said only: "make: *** No rule to make target `menuconfig'. Stop."
Can anyone tell from this what I did wrong?